我正在使用PHP SDK,在面对面的网页上上上上载/公开交响3。 我有言辞的博客,并利用 cr工作来安排职位。 晚期工作没有问题,除了重载这些书状3档案外,一切工作似乎都很出色。
I want to publish these mp3 files with those posts on my facebook page. Currently i am using the following code. Please suggest where am i going wrong while attaching mp3 files. I have already tried removing "media" from attachment parameter.
$args = array(
access_token => $post_access_token,
uid => $fb_page_id,
message => $post->post_title,
name => $post->post_title,
caption => get_bloginfo( name ),
link => get_permalink($post_id),
picture => urldecode(get_post_meta($post_id, image_value , true)),
description => $this->auto_make_excerpt($post->post_content),
attachment => json_encode(array(
"media" =>
type => mp3 ,
"src" => urlencode("http://www.looptvandfilm.com/blog/Radiohead%20-%20In%20Rainbows/01%20-%20Radiohead%20-%2015%20Step.MP3"),
"title" => "15 Step",
"artist" => "Radiohead",
"album" => "In Rainbows"
actions => json_encode(array(
name => Share ,
link => http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u= .urlencode(get_permalink($post_id)). &t= .$post->post_title
);$responseId = $this->facebook->api( / .$fb_page_id. /feed , POST , $args);