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原标题:How can I make my TCP listening app safer?

I’m looking for advice on writing a very safe C/C++ app that will listen to a tcp port. I d like to peek at what others are trying to do to my machine, but I’d rather not install an elaborate honeypot app if I can do what I need with a very short program. With my goal being simple and safe, I want to make sure I handle at least the following:
1) The client should not be able to send an unlimited amount of data,
2) The client(s) should not be able to overload the server with too many connections and
3) The client should not be able to keep a connection open indefinitely.
Because my current app is small and functional, a third party library doesn t seem warranted for this project. However, a small library that would simplify the app further would be interesting. Also, I expect the C++ standard library may help in simplifying my code.

以下是我最初尝试的一些关键职能。 该守则汇编了Windows、OSX和Lino。


void SafeClose(SOCKET s)
    if (s == INVALID_SOCKET)
    shutdown(s, SHUT_RDWR);

void ProcessConnection(SOCKET sock, sockaddr_in *sockAddr)
    time_t time1;
    char szTime[TIME_BUF_SIZE];
    char readBuf[READ_BUF_SIZE];

    strftime(szTime, TIME_BUF_SIZE-1, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&time1)); 
    printf("%s - %s
", szTime, inet_ntoa(sockAddr->sin_addr));
    usleep(1000000);       // Wait 1 second for client to send something
    int actualReadCount = recv(sock, readBuf, READ_BUF_SIZE-1, 0); 

    if (actualReadCount < 0 || actualReadCount >= READ_BUF_SIZE){
        actualReadCount = 0;
        strcpy(readBuf, "(Nothing)");
    } else {
        CleanString(readBuf, actualReadCount); // Replace non-printable characters
        readBuf[actualReadCount] = 0;


", readBuf);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int             port            = 80;
    char            cmd[CMD_BUF_SIZE]   = {0};
    sockaddr_in     newSockAddr;
    sockaddr_in     localSockAddr;

    if(argc < 2){
        printf("Usage: safelisten PORT

        return error_code;

    port = atoi(argv[1]); 
    BuildCleanAsciiMap(); // Used to replace non-printable characters

    localSockAddr.sin_family        = AF_INET;              
    localSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr   = INADDR_ANY;           
    localSockAddr.sin_port          = htons(port);          
    sizeNewSockAddr                 = sizeof newSockAddr;

    CHK( listenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0));
    CHK( setsockopt(listenSocket, SOL_SOCKET,  SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)));
    CHK( bind(listenSocket, (sockaddr*)&localSockAddr, sizeof localSockAddr));
    CHK( listen(listenSocket, BACKLOG));
    CHK( SetNonBlocking(listenSocket));
    CHK( SetNonBlocking(0));        // Set STDIN to nonblocking for linux    
    printf ("Listening on port: %d
Enter q to quit.

", port);

    while(strcmp(cmd, "q")) // While the user has not entered q ...
        newSocket = accept(listenSocket, (sockaddr*)&newSockAddr, &sizeNewSockAddr);
        ReadCmd(cmd, CMD_BUF_SIZE);

        if(newSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { 
            // accept() would have blocked, thus we wait and try again

        // Set to nonblocking because we don t want the client to dictate how 
        // long we are connected.
        CHK( SetNonBlocking(newSocket)); 
        ProcessConnection(newSocket, &newSockAddr);

    return 0;

2) The client(s) should not be able to overload the server with too many connections...


1) The client should not be able to send an unlimited amount of data,


3) 客户不能无限期地保持连接。


There are other, more complicated, solutions, but I think this would be a good starting point.

如果你想做大约(2)件事,就保存一张散射地图,并仅增加多少链接,但你也可能希望保持时间。 你希望数据结构非常快,因此,你可以决定,你是否需要尽早切断联系。

例如,如果你在地图上有两长,那么你就可以将第一个连接的时间(不准确或准时)加起来,如果你在不到一分钟的时间内接过10个连接点,就开始关闭多余时间,直到一分钟过去。 那么,如果这个因素有长足的联系,相信它不会攻击你,那么它就会消除。

Also, make certain you validate all the parameters being passed to you, and have reasonable max values for any strings.



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