English 中文(简体)
原标题:Netbeans disabled everything & became a simple text editor when I interupted the plugin upgrade process

我从Netbeans开了车,而花gin的升级工作正在进行之中,因此它使一切都丧失了能力。 我怎么回过以前能够提供的一切? 我再次尝试更新,但指出:

Your IDE is up to date!

或许,它只搜查了剩下的少数东西。 它已成为简单的文本编辑:

我不想失去我的环境。 B. 使用净户7


我看到,粉碎物仍在安装,但已被拆除。 当我试图启动时,它失败了,发出了以下信息:

Activation failed: Not all requested modules can be enabled: [StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.ant.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-ant-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.form.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-form-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.versioning.system.cvss jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-versioning-system-cvss.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.hudson jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-hudson.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.websvc.restkit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-websvc-restkit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.core.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0platformmodulesorg-netbeans-modules-core-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.web.primefaces jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-web-primefaces.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0apisupportmodulesorg-netbeans-modules-apisupport-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.subversion jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-subversion.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.localhistory jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-localhistory.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.spring.beans jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-spring-beans.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.persistence.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-j2ee-persistence-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.hibernate jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-hibernate.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.web.jsf.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-web-jsf-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.mercurial jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-mercurial.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.ui jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-debugger-jpda-ui.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.maven.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-maven-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.bugzilla jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-bugzilla.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.web.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-web-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.java.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0javamodulesorg-netbeans-modules-java-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.ide.branding.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0 bmodulesorg-netbeans-modules-ide-branding-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.spellchecker.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-spellchecker-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.web.struts jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-web-struts.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.websvc.saas.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0websvccommonmodulesorg-netbeans-modules-websvc-saas-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.db.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-db-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.profiler jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0profilermodulesorg-netbeans-modules-profiler.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.websvc.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-websvc-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.ide.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0idemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-ide-kit.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.spring.webmvc jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-spring-webmvc.jar, StandardModule:org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.kit jarFile: C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.0enterprisemodulesorg-netbeans-modules-j2ee-kit.jar]


The simplest way to fix this is to re-install NetBeans. I don t believe that your settings have been corrupted. So, in order to keep your settings, before you uninstall you ll need to export your settings.

  1. Open Options Dialog: Tools > Options
  2. Click Export button
  3. Choose a location and file name to use for the zip file
  4. Choose a category(s) to export

Note, that If a category is not enabled this means that you have not made any changes in that category.

If you have libraries defined and would like to save the configuration, you need to copy your build.properties file which is located in your .netbeans directory as exporting alone will not save this configuration (due to the fact that these settings should be able to be relocated on another machine and the libraries are specific to your machine). In Windows, your .netbeans directory is located in your user directory. For example, on my machine (Windows 7) this location is C:UsersJonathan.netbeans.

在你重新陷入困境之后,你将环境重新引入民主选举学会,然后取代建筑。 财产档案。



  1. Locate the java folder, using this question
  2. Run the netbeans from its folder, specifying the jdkhome with the result of the previous step:

~/netbeans-X.X/bin/netbeans www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm

I had the same problem after upgrading from java 7 to java 8. After wasting a few minutes, I discovered that netbeans wasn t seeing the right jdkhome. I solved the problem in two steps:

  1. In the netbeans installation folder, open the file netbeans.conf which is under etc directory. As for my case /home/his-kenya/netbeans-8.1/etc/netbeans.conf
  2. Set netbeans_jdkhome to point to the absolute location of your jdk. This should be on line 57 if the file hasn t been edited before. As for my case netbeans_jdkhome="/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0/"

2. 重新启动民主选举学会。

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