English 中文(简体)
原标题:Java, convert(cast) Serializable objects to other objects

I m using Session.save() method (in Hibernate) to persist my entity objects which returns an object of type java.io.Serializable.

The returned value is the generated primary key for the entity.

The generated primary key is of type long (or bigint).


Serializable result = session.save(myEntityObject);

//This line of code fails. 
long r = (long)result;

Try casting the result (since it s not a primitive) to Long instead of long.

Long r = (Long)result;
long longValue = r.longValue();


long r = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(result)).longValue();

Have you tried using a debugger and breaking at that line to see what "result" is exactly?

它可以是大Dec或长 or,或......


HTH, Chris

Try using long r = ((Long) result).getLong() instead.

您本应指明你正在经历的错误类型! 任何途径都应奏效。

long r = Long.valueOf(result) 

Above answer not worked for me.

I misunderstood the function of statelessSession.get(...). The second parameter should be the primitive value of the primary-key if it is a non-composte key.


I was confused, because I thought that I need to pass always an entity as second argument to statelessSession.get (because it works for multi-key-entitys).

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