English 中文(简体)
原标题:JNA arrays and Pointer
  • 时间:2011-09-29 14:16:59
  •  标签:
  • java
  • c
  • jna

I m working on a project at the moment that requires me to receive a call in Java from a C library. Basically I call a C function that takes a function pointer, the C function then uses the function pointer as a callback. I m using JNA to pass a Java object (I ll call it the Callback object from now on) as the callback function. The callback object has a single method that receives a C structure (called Frame) that contains a 16 element byte array as well as other variables. I ve wrapped this structure in a Java class in the standard JNA way, like this:

class Frame extends Structure {
    public short port;
    public short flags;
    public Pointer name // this is a pointer to the byte array
    public int rateDivisor;

追索机制运作良好! 背心物体从C处收到一小块物体,但当我试图利用<代码>,即:getByteArray(0、16)从点子公司获得星体阵列时,该申请因暴力例外而坠毁。 然而,如果我用一阵列取代点子:

class Frame extends Structure {
    public short port;
    public short flags;
    public byte[] name = new byte[16];
    public int rateDivisor;

Then the code works fine! There s a good reason why I don t want to use this code however. Every time I call the function the returned Frame is actually the same object (it s just being reused) but the byte array is a new object. This callback function is being called many times a second which causes the garbage collector to goes crazy gobbling up thousands of temporary arrays. This project is performance critical so I really don t want any temporary objects in this part of the application.

My guess is that by using a byte array in the Frame class I m causing JNA to create a new copy of the C byte array. What I want to do is have a pointer to the C byte array therefore removing the need to copy the data, hence the experimentation with JNA Pointer.

My question is why can t I get the byte array from the Pointer? Any help would be much appreciated :)






typedef struct{
  char * name;


class MyJStruct extends Structure{
  Pointer name;



typedef struct{
  char name[16];


class MyJStruct extends Structure{
  byte[] name = new byte[16];


这解释了两幅瓦 Java地图之间的区别:日本宇宙航行局需要了解如何阅读结构领域,也解释了为什么在打电话<代码>时出现错误。

  1. take the first 4 Bytes following the flags field
  2. treat it as a pointer
  3. go into ram to the pointed adress and read 16 Bytes


您可在C中查到:如果sizeof (struct Frame) 是24,那么,如果其第12(或16)条,则其位置为32个轨道点(或64个轨道点)


rel=“noreferer”http://t Wall.github.com/jna/3.3.0/javadoc/overview-summary.html

在“Nested ranges”下发现,我确实鼓励你阅读下文“可变规模结构”一节。


目 录

将你的反馈意见参数改为点。 • 保持自己的私人点和坐标;Frame地图(有或没有薄弱环节),并且只有在输入点基础上,才建立新框架。


Map frames = new HashMap<Pointer,Frame>();

void callback(Pointer p) {
   Frame f = frames.get(p);
   if (f == null) {
       f = new Frame(p);
       frames.put(p, f);
   // do whatever...

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