Is there any workaround to add custom formatter to userData
in jqGrid? i found this question and it helps me a lot. below is the code that i use to populate jqGrid. please note that i populate a custom userData
object in the jsonReader
and set it to the grid in loadComplete
i need to add separate formatter to total columns. please let me know if there is a way. Thanks in advance.
var userDataTotals;
url: local ,
datatype: local ,
mtype: GET ,
rowId , unitId ,
<fmt:message key="report.col1"/> ,
<fmt:message key="report.col2"/> ,
colModel :[
{name: rowId , index: rowId ,hidden: true,sortable: true,key:true},
{name: unitId , index: unitId ,hidden: true,sortable: true,key:true},
{name: outboundReadyDate , index: outboundReadyDate , width:80,align:"center",sorttype: integer ,formatter:dateOnlyFmatter,datefmt: Y M d },
{name: outboundDate , index: outboundDate , width:80,align:"center",sorttype: integer ,formatter:dateOnlyFmatter,datefmt: Y M d },
// this will enable the footer row to display totals
footerrow : true,
//userDataOnFooter : true,
altRows : true,
//to hide pager buttons
recordtext: ,
pgtext: ,
gridview: true,
loadonce: true,
sortname: rowId ,
sortorder: asc ,
viewrecords: true,
loadComplete: function() {
// This will increase the column header height ( to show two rows in the header)
jq(".ui-jqgrid-sortable").css( white-space , normal );
jq(".ui-jqgrid-sortable").css( height , auto );
//Set the total values after load complete,otherwise
// custom formatter will format the total value as well.
//check the data type to avoid this code to execute when the pageload
var checkDatatype = myGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam","datatype");
if(checkDatatype == json && myGrid.getGridParam( records ) == 0){
// when no records are displaying alert it to the user
jsonReader : {
root: "dtos",
records: "records",
repeatitems: false,
cell: "cell",
id: "rowId",
userdata :function(obj) {
userDataTotals = {"outboundReadyDate":obj.totalOutBounded,
//This will format the date of the grid (without displaying time)
function dateOnlyFmatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject){
var opts = options.colModel.formatoptions;
if(cellvalue==null || cellvalue== undefined ){
return - ;
if(opts != undefined && rowObject.projectTypeName == IOD ){
return N/A ;
var now = new Date(cellvalue);
return now.format( M j, Y );
i 使用习惯dateFormat.js
"dtos": [
"unitId": 1068,
"outboundDate": null,
"outboundReadyDate": 1317619303000,
"rowId": 13,
"unitId": 1105,
"outboundDate": 1317616970000,
"outboundReadyDate": 1317617213000,
"rowId": 14,
"totalOutBounded": 0,
"totalOutBoundReady": 4,
"rowTotal": 15,
"returnCode": 0,
"msg": ""
i used sortType
as integer
because from the server i am passing a java Date
object directly to the grid. in order to sort it i need to set sortType
to integer
Basic problem what i am having was in IE8 i cannot see the userData total values. but in other browsers i can see it. i need to format userData
total values as hyperlinks .
without userData
formatting i can see the totals in IE8. so that i am thinking that without using the column formatter
adding a custom formatter to the total values (userData