After building some frontend stuff, I m now exploring the internals of the admin side of Magento. I read Alan Storm s article on creating a simple model (as opposed to an EAV model, something which I am not yet ready for).
我的主要目标是建立一个模块,使用户能够向Magento安装设备上载和管理媒体,以便在我界定的一些模板中加以使用。 因此,我将树立一个模式,以跟踪某些媒体(专题)与某些类别的媒体(网页)之间的关系。 就记录而言: 我不喜欢埃及维奥模式,他们把我放在一边,除非是绝对必要的,否则不会推动对话。 感谢:
I ve also skimmed through this article. It s about backend models, and my question is about that: 什么是背后的模式?
Is it a model that s used only in the backend (admin)? I wouldn t know what that would be good for. If someone could tell me something about it, or give me a hint on what to read to know more about it, it d be great.