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原标题:overloading >> for a fraction class C++

I m trying to overload the instream operator >> for a fraction class. I ve created a function that can take a string from the user and parse it into the proper arguments for my Fraction class but I m unsure how to implement this in my >> overloading function.

There are three types of fractions that a user can input: 1. whole numbers (e.g. 5) 2. mixed numbers (e.g. 2+4/5) 3. regular fractions (e.g. 1/2)

我的做法是接受这一投入,将其作为主要功能使用者的一种扼杀手段,使其获得有效的框架类别参数,然后将这一新产生的部分退回到上游。 我不敢肯定如何做到这一点。

In my operator overloading definition, I have this:

istream& operator>>(istream& in,const Fraction& input)

但是,如果我接受一种扼杀,那么这里的参数类型就应当是一个扼杀吗? 我对这一部分感到非常困惑。 然后我要回去一个Fraction物体。 这里是处理全数的例子。

    int num1 = atoi(input.c_str());
    Fraction output(num1);
    in >> output;
    return in;




std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, Fraction & input)  // not const!
  std::string token;

  if (!(in >> token)) { return in; }  // error

  int num, den;
  const bool res = parse_token(token, num, den);  // write this!

  if (!res)
    return in;

  input.set(num, den); // or whatever

关键在于写上<代码>parse_token(const :string & int & int &>功能,确定扼杀是否构成有效分数,以及如果是将数字和分母放在这两个变量中的话。



<代码>istream&营运人>>istream& in,Fraction&put>

然后,在您的职能范围内,您将摘录成“<>编码>。 您将相关数据储存在<条码>输入/编码><条码>上。


class Fraction {
int top, bottom;
    Fraction(int top_, int bottom_) :top(top_), bottom(bottom_) {}
    Fraction(const Fraction& rhs) : top(rhs.top), bottom(rhs.bottom) {}
    Fraction& operator=(const Fraction& rhs) {top=rhs.top; bottom=rhs.bottom; return *this}

    int get_numerator() {return top;}
    int get_denomerator() {return bottom;}
    double get_value() {return double(top)/bottom;}

istream& operator>>(istream& in, Fraction& input) {
    int numer;
    int denom=1;
    int whole=0;
    int peekchar;
    bool valid=false;

    in >> numer; //get the numerator
    peekchar = in.peek(); //peek at next character
    if(in && peekchar ==  + ) { //if next character is a +
        in.get(); //skip the + character
        whole = numer; //then first character was whole, not numerator
        in >> numer; //get the real numerator
        valid = true;
        peekchar = in.peek();
    if(in && peekchar ==  / ) { //if next character is a /
        in.get(); //skip the / character
        in >> denom; //get the denominator
        valid = true;
    if (in || valid) { //if we succeeded in reading
        if (denom == 0)
            denom = 1;
        numer += (whole*denom);
        input = Fraction(numer, denom);
     return in;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& in,const Fraction& output) {
    return in << output.get_numerator() <<  /  << output.get_denominator();
int main() {
    Fraction my_fract;
    cout << "Enter a fraction
    cin >> my_fract;
    cout << "you entered " << my_fract;

页: 1 如果用户希望输入/输出到(<>string>上,则可以始终使用stringstream。 注意您的定义

istream& operator>>(istream& in,const Fraction& input)

在流语文中,这意味着从<代码>istream中提取,因此,你的输入参数应为t。 另一方面,在输出<代码>Fraction至ostream 声明

ostream& operator<<(ostream& in,const Fraction& input) //Here const is good

Also, one final note is that istream/ostream are specific implementations that work with char as element and the default traits. A more general implementation would work with any kind of stream, with operators defined like this

template< typename Elem, typename Traits >
std::basic_istream< Elem, Traits >& operator>>(std::basic_istream< Elem, Traits >& in, Fraction& input)

template< typename Elem, typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Elem, Traits >& operator<<(std::basic_ostream< Elem, Traits >& out, Fraction const& output)

关于您的<代码>oper>>功能,即你希望超负荷使用<代码>>>>>,而不是输入<代码>std:string, parse it,然后试图从平级参数中形成一个新的 标的,因此,你应当把用户投入放在“代码”内;>超载功能,因为已经直接获得投入。 换言之,你重复做的是多余的,把......与<代码>oper>>超载的物体相混为一谈,其用意应是从该用户投入中提取全部用户投入和创建的物体......在“编码>>Fraction之前不会经过两步。


//set values of Fraction object through pass-by-reference
istream& operator>>(istream& in,Fraction& input);


Fraction new_fraction_obj; //has only default-constructor-set values
std::cin >> new_fraction_obj;  //now will have the user-input values after call

最后,如果试图对用户投入进行分类,那么你发现,这种投入没有正确的格式,或者是错误的类型等,就会确定<代码>istream的不轨。 标的为ios:setstate(),从而使上游用户能够发现该投入有误,而正在逐个参照的物体则处于无效状态。

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