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原标题:How can I filter keyboard number keys

我愿着重谈谈具体的<代码>Text Box,并只有在用户发布一些关键(1,2,3等)时,才接受关键媒体。


我有<代码>ListView(反映一种习俗观点)。 名单见Text Box


Now when I press a number key, lets say Key 3, the following action should occur:

  1. Focus that Specific TextBox
  2. Append the TextBox text with the number input
  3. Select the item in the ListView with the same number as TextBox.Text has

My Xaml for what I tried

<ListView Name="lv"
              View="{Binding Path=SelectedItem,
                             ElementName=viewComboBox}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" TextSearch.TextPath="{Binding Path=Person.Name}"/>
    <TextBox  Grid.Row="2" Text="{Binding Path=TextSearch.Text,ElementName=lv}"></TextBox>  


I need this and its bewildering using MVVM...

在这方面,任何帮助都是巨大的。 使用守则的某些指导甚至更好...... ......


这种逻辑是特别的。 如果你将它放在法典上的话,它会受到罚款。 跨国激进党没有阻止你在后面的法典中看到具体守则。

然而,如果你在宗教上不遵循该做法背后的守则,你可以创建Behavior,并将该守则列入其中。 你们的行为将附在清单箱中,并作为财产使用文字箱。 它将听取名单框上的关键性活动,并在文本框中添加关键内容。


If you are using MVVM then attached behavior is the way to go ... http://eladm.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/attached-behavior/

  1. Name you key press source element like ListView ...

    <ListView x:Name="MyListView">
  2. Declare and define an attached property of type ListView say NumericKeyPressBehavior.FocusTarget

  3. The Source for this FocusTarget will be you MyListView and the behavior will be attached to your TextBox

     <TextBox local:NumericKeyPressBehavior.FocusTarget="{Binding ElementName=MyListView}" 
              .... />
  4. In NumericKeyPressBehavior.FocusTarget s dependency property changed event handler, handle the key press on the ListView and then based on if a numeric key was pressed, focus the target TextBox and also append the pressed key character to it.

    private static void  OnFocusTargetChanged(
        DependencyObject o, 
        DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var textBox = o as TextBox;
        var listView = e.NewValue as ListView;
        if (textBox != null && listView != null)
            listView.KeyUp += 
             (o1, e1) =>
                    var keyChar = GetKeyCharFromKeyCode(e1.Key);
                    if ("0123456789".Contains(keyChar.ToString()))
                        textBox.Text += keyChar.ToString();

GetKeyCharFromKeyCode is found here.... C# How to translate virtual keycode to char?

Does this help?

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