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习俗例外。 标识
原标题:Custom exception. Where to log it

I created a CustomExceptionClass that its messages are from a configuration file and are a friendlier message to the user.

Then I want to log wich exception was thrown because, if something went wrong, I want to know details then I can fix this. So, I have a doubt.

Where to log these exceptions using log4j? Inside the CustomExceptionClass, or I let the method that throws this exception log it?


You should log wherever you are catching the Exception. If you are not catching it anywhere it really depends how you are running your application.



Regarding the question of where to call log.error, do not call log.error from within your CustomExceptionClass subclass of Throwable. Instead, I d make the decision as follows:

If you want to log details about exactly what happened, but you don t plan to put those details into your subclass of Exception, then log the details before throwing the error.

同样,如果你想要做一些具体的事情,无论是否或如何抓住例外,那么显然在放弃例外之前需要这样做。 你对谁使用非私人方法的控制相对较少。

否则,在捕获区就会出现记录。 这使你能够跟踪所发生情况以及你的申请如何反应。 如果你只掌握了第一件资料,那么其他人就必须阅读该守则,以了解“什么?”

最后,它认为,在一切透镜中使用非专业例外处理器是一种良好做法。 详情见Thread. UncaultExceptionHandler。 基本上,你确实希望至少记录长期申请的所有例外。



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