English 中文(简体)
A. 阵列中的次量发生率
原标题:Get count of substring occurrence in an array

I would like to get a count of how many times a substring occurs in an array. This is for a Drupal site so I need to use PHP code

$ar_holding = array( usa-ny-nyc , usa-fl-ftl ,  usa-nj-hb , 
                     usa-ny-wch ,  usa-ny-li );

我需要能够把以下职能称为:foo($ar_holding, usa-ny- );,并将其从$ar_holding阵列中退回3。 我知道in_array(>)的功能,但这种功能又回到了头一次剧的指数。 我需要寻找替代物并退还计票。


You could use preg_grep():

$count = count( preg_grep( "/^usa-ny-/", $ar_holding ) );

这将计算从“沙-尼”开始的数值数目。 如果你想要列入任何职位上载有该指示的数值,则删除该指示(^)。

If you want a function that can be used to search for arbitrary strings, you should also use preg_quote():

function foo ( $array, $string ) {
    $string = preg_quote( $string, "/" );
    return count( preg_grep( "/^$string/", $array ) );

If you need to search from the beginning of the string, the following works:

$ar_holding = array( usa-ny-nyc , usa-fl-ftl ,  usa-nj-hb , 
                     usa-ny-wch ,  usa-ny-li );

$str =  | .implode( | , $ar_holding);

echo substr_count($str,  |usa-ny- );

它利用<代码>implode功能,将所有阵列价值与>> 代码(和在第一个要素之前)的特性混在一起,因此,你可以用你的搜索术语查找这一序号。 <代码>substr_count时, d脏工作就是如此。


$count = subtr_count(implode("x00",$ar_holding),"usa-ny-");


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