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JPA 根植于Hibernate,不与IdClass属性合作
原标题:JPA root get in Hibernate not working with IdClass attribute

I m trying to do a multiselect on an entity with an IdClass. I can t get a column that is mapped as part of the ID. It s clear why I can t, as none of the columns that are marked as @Ids are a part of the attributes in the EntityType that hibernate is creating, they are a part of the IdAttributes map.



CriteriaBuilder queryBuilder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> query = queryBuilder.createTupleQuery();
Root<ProductSearchFilter> productSearchFilterRoot = query.from(ProductSearchFilter.class);


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve attribute [productId] against path


public class ProductSearchFilter {

private String source;
private String productId;
private String name;
private String category;
private String searchColumn;
private String fdaStatus;

@Column(name = "SOURCE", length = 11)
public String getSource() {
    return source;

public void setSource(String source) {
    this.source = source;

@Column(name = "PRODUCT_ID", length = 46, insertable = false, updatable = false)
public String getProductId() {
    return productId;

public void setProductId(String productId) {
    this.productId = productId;

@Column(name = "NAME", length = 510)
public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

@Column(name = "CATEGORY", length = 10)
public String getCategory() {
    return category;

public void setCategory(String category) {
    this.category = category;

@Column(name = "SEARCH_COLUMN", length = 1088, insertable = false, updatable = false)
public String getSearchColumn() {
    return searchColumn;

public void setSearchColumn(String searchColumn) {
    this.searchColumn = searchColumn;

@Column(name = "FDA_STATUS", insertable = false, updatable = false)
public String getFdaStatus() {
    return fdaStatus;

public void setFdaStatus(String fdaStatus) {
    this.fdaStatus = fdaStatus;

public class ProductSearchFilterPK implements Serializable {
private String productId;
private String searchColumn;
private String fdaStatus;

public String getFdaStatus() {
    return fdaStatus;

public void setFdaStatus(String fdaStatus) {
    this.fdaStatus = fdaStatus;

public String getProductId() {
    return productId;

public void setProductId(String productId) {
    this.productId = productId;

public String getSearchColumn() {
    return searchColumn;

public void setSearchColumn(String searchColumn) {
    this.searchColumn = searchColumn;

There is workaround, which is using canonical metamodel.

Unfortunately EntityModel we get from productSearchFilterRoot does not help us much, because it only gives us view as a set. So we cannot query Attributes of IdClass right away by name of attribute from there. But there they are anyway:

//following will contain three attributes that are part of id.
Set<SingularAttribute<? super ProductSearchFilter, ?>> s = model.getIdClassAttributes();

Instead we we will go for canonical metamodel. For that we need one new class which we can implement by ourselves, or let Hibenate do it:

public abstract class ProductSearchFilter_ {
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> category;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> fdaStatus;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> source;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> name;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> searchColumn;
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<ProductSearchFilter, String> productId;


CriteriaBuilder queryBuilder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> query = queryBuilder.createTupleQuery();
Root<ProductSearchFilter> productSearchFilterRoot = query.from(ProductSearchFilter.class);




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