English 中文(简体)
原标题:Does each of these mysql queries run each time the page is loaded?
  • 时间:2011-10-04 12:26:03
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql


if ($_SESSION[ id ]) { // if logged in

    $language = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT default_lang FROM employees WHERE id =  $_SESSION[id] "), 0);

    include "languages/".$language.".php"; 

} else { // If not logged in, use system default language

    $language = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT config_value FROM system_config WHERE config_name =  language "), 0);

    include "languages/".$language.".php"; 

我的问题是,在访问者重新翻一页时,这种问问问问问是否每过一次? 看到某一页的我的片面问询总数最容易些,我常常在论坛中看到这一点,例如:20次在二十次秘密中回答。


In general, it is a good idea to reduce the amount of queries, but I would rather keep the code clean early on. Caching will introduce all kinds of problems and unless you really need it because the query is slow, it s a waste of time that will increase the code complexity.

Simple queries that affect a single table and return a single value are quite fast. Chances are, your attempts to cache the value will not give a significant benefit.

为了了解业绩,你应首先使用简介员。 它将向你们展示贵方言中所需要的时间,并可能赢得你们的期望。

就发展环境而言,我与KCacheGrind一样。 http://devzone.zend.com/article/2899"rel=“nofollow”


是的,一个或另一个时间是every ——这是你为获得会议而已经做过一些每个用户I/O的事情——你可以这样做。

$language=$_SESSION[ lang ];
if (!$language) {
    if ($_SESSION[ id ]) {
       $language = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT default_lang FROM employees WHERE id =  $_SESSION[id] "), 0);
    } else {
       $language = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT config_value FROM system_config WHERE config_name =  language "), 0);
    $_SESSION[ lang ]=$language;
include "languages/".$language.".php";


list($language)=explode( ; , $_SERVER[ Accept-Language ]);
include "languages/".$language.".php";




Yes, it will be executed every time page is reloaded. However, technically, the second time it is faster since it picks up from cache or already has the query plan. Please anyone confirm if I am wrong?

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