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原标题:Youtube views not registering through Facebook

Interesting. I guess the makeshift solution is to post a screen shot with a link to youtube or your page as long as autoplay=0.

mysql - store embed codes (youtube, vimeo etc)

How best to store the html for embedding? the only ways I can think of are: take the embed html and add <?php echo $var1; ?> where the id s go then store it in the db and use Eval to execute ...

Flex embed dynamically

In one project, I have several similar applications, they just differ slightly here and there. Like some of the contained icons/images. To help organizing, I see myself [Embed]ing icons in a style ...

• 如何将多语文的档案列入单一的EXE?

有许多教学方法,如何创建多种语言的RESX档案以及如何与AL.exe建立卫星组件,但我没有发现如何将RESX/Resources/SAT-DL 混为一谈。

Embed font into PDF file by using iText

I defined a tag map, and got a XML data file. I want to convert the XML data file to PDF by using iText. The question is how to embed fonts (e.g. Polish font, Chinese font) into the target PDF when ...

Delay before playing embedded mp3 in Actionscript / Flex 3

I am embedding an mp3 into my Flex project for use as a sound effect, but I am finding that every time I play it, there is a delay of about half a second from when I call .play() to when you can hear ...