English 中文(简体)
原标题:Automatic factory registration
  • 时间:2011-10-01 08:38:33
  •  标签:
  • java
  • factory

i m just learning java, and i meet some problems. Here we have simple factory pattern:

public class SomeFactory {
     public static void registerProduct(String name, Class<? extends IProduct > f)

public SomeProduct implements IProduct {
   static {
       SomeFactory.register("some product", SomeProduct.class);

All products should register themselves at factory.

But before using this code, all Products classes should be loaded. I can put Class.forName() somewhere, for example in main function. But i want to avoid such sort of manual classes loading. I want just add new IProduct implementations, without updating other parts(such as SomeFactory or Main methods, etc.). But i wonder, is it possible to automatically load some classes(marked with annotation, for example)?

P.S 我想指出,在运行时间,所有<代码>不会增加其他班级。 汇编之前,先了解《电子格式实施情况。

UPD#1 Thank for your answering! But is it possible to make auto-generated property-file with IProduct instances? I mean is it possible to make some build-time script(for maven for example) that generates property-file or loader code? Are there such solutions or frameworks?

UPD#2 I finished with using Reflections library that provides run-time information, by scanning classpath at startup.

  1. Have each product register itself, using a static block like this:

     class MyProduct1{
  2. 外部财产档案可以追踪所有产品。

  3. 您的主要方法可以把这一产品清单归为一等。

这样,你就迫切需要制定任何具体产品,而财产档案却在不断变化。 Ah! 是否增加安全登记也将是一个加点。


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