This is a quote from the O Reilly Javascript Patterns book:
JavaScript is also an unusual language. It doesn’t have classes, and functions are first class objects used for many tasks. Initially the language was considered deficient by many developers, but in more recent years these sentiments have changed. Interestingly, languages such as Java and PHP started adding features such as closures and anonymous functions, which JavaScript developers have been enjoying and taking for granted for a while.
并且如此。 我确实不理解 Java字在以前是如何被视为“不足”的,现在不是,因为 Java或PHP等其他语言增加了关闭和匿名功能? 他们只是通用计算概念吗? Aren t 可用其他语文提供,如Ruby? 因此,我没有真正知道 Java字现在如何不“有缺陷”,因为 Java和购买力平价增加了关闭和匿名功能,因为它们的特点? 为什么如此?