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Backbone.js source 改为
原标题:Backbone.js source read-through

我读到背后一.js来源,这些内容有些混淆(L230-238, v0.5.3)

unset : function(attr, options) {
  if (!(attr in this.attributes)) return this;
  options || (options = {});
  var value = this.attributes[attr]; // ?: value appears to be unused (?)

  // Run validation.
  var validObj = {};
  validObj[attr] = void 0; //void 0 is equivalent to undefined
  if (!options.silent && this.validate && !this._performValidation(validObj, options)) return false;

Am I crazy or does the last line run a validation against a hash object with a single undefined attribute?





when you call unset, you can only tell it to unset one attribute at a time: model.unset("myAttr")

在不确定身份时,必须进行验证,以确保该模式成为一个有效的国家。 如果被确定为未界定的属性将使该模式无效,则失败。 如果属性不明确,则属性从模型中删除。

由此得出的“具有单一未界定特性的ash子”的理由是, j中的所有物体都作为“ash子”——关键价值乳制品或关联阵列。 这确实关系到你们如何获得一个物体,它是一个联系阵列。

an object with one empty attribute named after the model s attribute that is being unset, is created in lines 236-237. this is so that monkeying with the object passed into the validate method won t change the state of the model itself.




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