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我们在闪闪电中如何使用不止一个信息 采用公有框架的使者
原标题:How do we use more than one message in flashMessenger using zend framework

我使用了zen。 我有以下法典:

$cust =  test@test.com ;
$list.= Also Sent Mail to following members ;
                foreach($m_list as $value)
                $mail_to_manu = new Zend_Mail( utf-8 );                    
                $mail_to_manu->setBodyHtml( Text )
                ->setFrom( noreply@test.com ,  test admin )
                ->addTo($value[ email ])
                ->setSubject( Test );
                $list.=$value[ manufacturers_email ]. <br/> ;
                $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage( Mail send to  . $cust.   Successfully .$list);
        $this->_redirector->gotoUrl( /index );    

我发出任何突破的信息。 我的祝福。

Mail send to test@test.com Successfully Also Sent Mail to following members some1@example.com some2@example.com...


 Mail send to test@test.com Successfully 
 Also Sent Mail to following members,

因此,我需要相互分离。 能够在闪电投递中做到这一点。 如果是,Kindly建议。


您使用<代码>strip_tags 或者在文字上类似? 它可以使<代码><br />的标签脱掉。


$cust =  test@test.com ;
$this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage( Mail send to  . $cust.   Successfully );
if(count($m_list)>0 )
    $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage( Also Sent Mail to following members );
foreach($m_list as $value)
    $mail_to_manu = new Zend_Mail( utf-8 );                    
    $mail_to_manu->setBodyHtml( Text )
    ->setFrom( noreply@test.com ,  test admin )
    ->addTo($value[ email ])
    ->setSubject( Test );
    $this->_helper->flashMessenger->addMessage($value[ manufacturers_email ]);
$this->_redirector->gotoUrl( /index );    

Your question



foreach ($this->messages as $message)
    echo  <p class="message">  . $this->escape($message) .  </p> ;

但是,事实上,在意见中处理闪电问题的方法要好得多。 如你所知,泽斯德采特·梅森格是行动帮助者。 但是,还有一种可观的助手,有助于你准确地传递你的信息。 最好通过<条码>通知(警告=>); 这是一种警告:,阵列钥匙(警报)将作为<代码><p>标签的类别。 可查阅,关于Carton/2006/10 s blog

Your variable naming needs improvement

  • Write readable variable names like $customer instead of just $cust. Nobody ever said shortening variable names is a means of writing lean code ;). Shortening variable names is bad (code smell) because it make code less readable for others and for yourself in the future.
  • Use casing like this $mailToManufacturer instead of using underscores. It s a general agreement (standard) and therefore good for readability and understanding of code too.

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