English 中文(简体)
原标题:Adding a Custom Page Template into Warp Theme for bbPress


我用了来自日美的纳主题,在我的90%的网站上做了大量工作。 rel=“nofollow”http://dofekit.org 然而,我刚刚安装了纸张论坛(不是现场,而是当地版),我建立了2个论坛。 论坛索引网页和所有分页似乎都列入标准纳米页模板。 该论坛并不合适,因为它包括一页信息,而且我也认为,正如我的屏幕显示的那样,没有办法使论坛偏离旁边。


是否在 y框架内为论坛员额类型建立一个单独的模板? (我知道这种所有权,但我可以要求)



我是其中一部分。 我恳请为我这样的论坛职位类型单独制作模板,但我仍需要获得在植被环境中承认的习俗员额类型。

I ve在warp/systems/wordpress3.0/layouts/content.php上添加了习惯员额类型。

if (is_home()) {
    $content =  index ;
} elseif (is_page()) {
    $content =  page ;
} elseif (is_attachment()) {
    $content =  attachment ;
} elseif ((is_single()) && (get_post_type() ==  forum )) {
    $content =  forum-single ;
}elseif ((is_single()) && (get_post_type() ==  topic )) {
    $content =  topic-single ;
} elseif (is_single()) {
    $content =  single ;
} elseif (is_search()) {
    $content =  search ;
}elseif ((is_archive()) && (get_post_type() ==  forum )) {
    $content =  forum-archive ;
} elseif (is_archive() && is_author()) {
    $content =  author ;
} elseif (is_archive()) {
    $content =  archive ;
} elseif (is_404()) {
    $content =  404 ;

I ve also added these custom post types into warp/systems/wordpress3.0/config/layouts/fields/profile.php in an effort to get them to appear in the dropdown lists on each widget. (I want to be able to toggle widgets on these new custom templates.)

$defaults = array(
     home     =>  Home ,
     archive  =>  Archive ,
     search   =>  Search ,
     single   =>  Single ,
     page     =>  Pages ,
     forum-archive  =>  Forum List ,
     forum-single  =>  Forum Single ,
     topic-single  =>  Topic Single 

谁能提供帮助? 我认为,我几乎没有这样做。


You should be able to handle this using a WordPress Template for your custom post type for single post display.

例如,如果您的习俗员额类型被称为“产品”,就会产生一个称为单一产品的模式。 php e.g. 单-{post_type}.php

这一解决办法应不论环日美框架如何运作。 让我知道,这是否奏效!


i m 如果我的回答能够帮助你,则不会sh。


I edit the file warp/systems/wordpress/config/layouts/fields/et.php


// set Eventos cate
    if ($categories = get_categories(array( hide_empty  => 0,  name  =>  select_name ,  post_type  =>  event ,  taxonomy   =>  event-category ))) {
        $options[] =  <optgroup label="Eventos | Categorias"> ;

        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $val        =  cat- .$category->cat_ID;
            $attributes = in_array($val, $selected) ? array( value  => $val,  selected  =>  selected ) : array( value  => $val);
            $options[]  = sprintf( <option %s />%s</option> , $control->attributes($attributes), $category->cat_name);

        $options[] =  </optgroup> ;                  

这里,我的说法是:“event”/strong>,我的分类是“event- category”,列在植被状况清单中,你现在可以看到所有分类或术语以及标签“Eventos Categorias”更好地识别。

Ok this is only one part of the code and maybe you can take this like a point to start. Now i just can display and list this terms but still nok working :(

so... tnks for the comments and sorry for my english :P

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