是否在 y框架内为论坛员额类型建立一个单独的模板? (我知道这种所有权,但我可以要求)
我是其中一部分。 我恳请为我这样的论坛职位类型单独制作模板,但我仍需要获得在植被环境中承认的习俗员额类型。
I ve在warp/systems/wordpress3.0/layouts/content.php上添加了习惯员额类型。
if (is_home()) {
$content = index ;
} elseif (is_page()) {
$content = page ;
} elseif (is_attachment()) {
$content = attachment ;
} elseif ((is_single()) && (get_post_type() == forum )) {
$content = forum-single ;
}elseif ((is_single()) && (get_post_type() == topic )) {
$content = topic-single ;
} elseif (is_single()) {
$content = single ;
} elseif (is_search()) {
$content = search ;
}elseif ((is_archive()) && (get_post_type() == forum )) {
$content = forum-archive ;
} elseif (is_archive() && is_author()) {
$content = author ;
} elseif (is_archive()) {
$content = archive ;
} elseif (is_404()) {
$content = 404 ;
I ve also added these custom post types into warp/systems/wordpress3.0/config/layouts/fields/profile.php in an effort to get them to appear in the dropdown lists on each widget. (I want to be able to toggle widgets on these new custom templates.)
$defaults = array(
home => Home ,
archive => Archive ,
search => Search ,
single => Single ,
page => Pages ,
forum-archive => Forum List ,
forum-single => Forum Single ,
topic-single => Topic Single
谁能提供帮助? 我认为,我几乎没有这样做。