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A. 储存程序中的动态
原标题:Dynamic SQL Within A Stored Procedure Security
  • 时间:2011-10-06 09:10:43
  •  标签:
  • sql
  • security


我知道,我可以保留对我所储存程序的投入参数,然后在其中形成一份动态的“结构”说明,然后我可以通过储存程序的投入参数,但我在这样做时是否需要意识到任何安全影响? I m 猜测不像是另外一套参数,因此,这些参数应当与现行储存程序的参数相同。

Obviously, producing code like this "WHERE OrderNo = + @orderno is asking for trouble - I will be doing WHERE OrderNo = @orderno in the dynamic SQL, but is there anything else I need to be aware of? Thx MH



一种形式的卡片注射是,许多人在进行堆积程序时不思考:SQL Truncation attacks


http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163523.aspx” rel=“nofollow”> 第条对此提供了更多信息。


Where your parameters are always Data Items, both when being passed to the StoredProc and when used in yor DynamicSQL, everything will stay safe.

Should any of your StoredProc s parameters end up being table or field names, and so forming part of the structure of the DynamicSQL itself, you introduce a new risk : That the parameter can be used to inject rogue SQL Code.

  • To prevent against such an injection attack you should always validate any such parameters.


SET @SQL = @SLQ + CASE targetTable WHEN  1   THEN  table1 
                                   WHEN  tx  THEN  tableX 

Some people suggest you only need to validate on the client application. But that means that if someone becomes able to execute you SP s directly, the SP has become a point of attack. I always prefer to validate both on the client AND in the server.


http://www.ohchr.org。 业绩

Note that using DynamicSQL isn t always a guarnatee of performance increases. If you use parameterised queries, the execution plans can indeed be stored. But if the queries do vary greatly, you may still find a significant overhead in compiling the SQL.

还有事实是,依赖性跟踪损失了。 不可能看看SP所依赖的是什么表格,因为该代码被掩盖为示意图。

我很少发现需要有动态的SQL。 往往随着若干选择的问询,可以改革复杂的问题。 或者可以调整数据,以满足新的需求。 或者甚至通过数据重新思考数据和算法。 甚至可以suggest,取决于动态SQL是另一个根本问题的一个指标。

Perhaps it s not in the scope of your question, but it would be interesting to see the actual puzzle you re facing; to see if anyone has any alternative approaches for you.

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