Problem: When exporting to glTF for use in Godot, only the top animation track in the NLA editor is exported correctly. All other animations are broken and misaligned.
I have three armatures in my project: Gun, Left arm, Right arm. The arms have child of constraint Bone Constraints on them, attaching them to Gun.
I have all animations pushed onto NLA tracks.
Things I ve tried:
Exporting each animation individually and combining them later in Godot. Clean animations break upon being pasted into a different AnimationPlayer Node.
Baking animations. Not entirely sure what the correct method is, but I ve tried baking in multiple ways, from object and pose mode, by removing and maintaining constraints, by overwriting actions and not, and it either doesn t make a difference or stretches out meshes beyond recognition.
Changing export settings. None of them seem to make a difference. "Use Current Frame" must be on.
Applying transforms. Well, applying transforms to the meshes does no harm, but nothing changes. Applying transforms to the bones sends them flying to every corner of the 3D view.
Clicking Apply on the Child of Constraint modifier. When I do this the object loses all animation.
Manually setting keyframes every frame. Does nothing.
Exporting without using NLA.
I suspect the Child of Constraint has something to do with how everything gets misaligned, especially considering an earlier project used no such modifier, and exported fine with around 10 unique animations. What I really don t understand is why only one of the animations get exported flawlessly.
I appreciate any and all help! Project Link (google drive)