When I run locally (mvn compile quarkus:dev), I can access the /q/health endpoints. When I deploy the native image to docker (docker run etc etc), I can access the /q/health endpoints. When I deploy to minikube, I can t access the /q/health endpoints.
What is strange is that I can access / to get the index.html page, but the /q/health returns a 404. I m new to Quarkus, and am not an expert in Kubernetes.
In addition, the liveness endpoint isn t even accessible to Kubernetes liveness check, causing the pod to immediately restart since /q/health/live is not available.
EXPECTED: /r/health/live accessible to Kubernetes cluster /r/health/live accessible via browser
ACTUAL: /r/health/live not accessible to Kubernetes cluster /r/health/live returns 404 via browser
Is there something obviously dumb I m doing? Thanks in advance.