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原标题:SimpleDateFormat localized month names

I have searched throughout the site but I think I have a slightly different issue and could really do with some help before I either have heart failure or burn the computer.


//the actual locale name is dependent on UI selection
Locale localeObject=new Locale("pl"); 
// intended to return full month name - in local language.
DateFormat dtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM yyyy",localeObject);
//this bit just sets up a calendar (used for other bits but here to illustrate the issue
String systemTimeZoneName = "GMT";
TimeZone systemTimeZone=TimeZone.getTimeZone(systemTimeZoneName);
Calendar mCal = new GregorianCalendar(systemTimeZone); //"gmt" time
mCal.getTime(); //current date and time


String value=dtFormat.format(mCal.getTime()); 

this "should" return the localized version of the month name. In polish the word "September" is "Wrzesień" -- note the accent on the n. However all I get back is "Wrzesie?"


由于大家——现在我接受,它是一个介绍问题——但我如何能够安全地“阅读”地通过 d子产生的结果——我在下文加上一些评论,在其它情况下这样做——我似乎可以不夸张地取得明显的结果。


The answer was on BalusC s blog : http://balusc.blogspot.com/2009/05/unicode-how-to-get-characters-right.html#DevelopmentEnvironment



new String(dtFormat.format(mCal.getTime()).getBytes("UTF-8"),"ISO-8859-1");



你的问题与<条码>无关。 页: 1

You haven t told us what you re doing with the string afterwards - how you re displaying it in the UI - but that s the problem. You can see that it s fetching a localized string; it s only the display of the accented character which is causing a problem. You would see exactly the same thing if you had a string constant in there containing the same accented character.

我建议,如果你带上网站,就检查你在座标上所用的所有编码,或检查你如果带上ole子或 Sw子,则重新显示插座。



在我的测试中,dtFormat.format(mCal.gettime() 回归

październik 2011

<代码>新 简明表格(0,0, localeObject).format(mCal.gettime()回报:

poniedziarovek, 3 październik 2011 14:26:53 EDT

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