English 中文(简体)
• 如何只检查一个选项
原标题:How to make Treeview check only one option

我有一个树木概览和检查箱。 我想的是,在整个树木调查中只选定一个核对箱。 我如何能够这样做?



这样做的最简单方式是给你们的树木在Check活动打上甚至手。 在这一手里,除刚刚检查的节点外,你可以检查所有节点:

void node_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) {
    // only do it if the node became checked:
    if (e.Node.Checked) {
        // for all the nodes in the tree...
        foreach (TreeNode cur_node in e.Node.TreeView.Nodes) {
            // ... which are not the freshly checked one...
            if (cur_node != e.Node) {
                // ... uncheck them
                cur_node.Checked = false;

Should work (didn t try)



So I did as follows,

private TreeNode uncheck_treeview(TreeView treeView, TreeNode treeNode, TreeViewEventH以及ler e)
    treeView.AfterCheck -= e;

    foreach (TreeNode node in treeView.Nodes)

    if (treeNode != null)
        treeNode.Checked = true;

    treeView.AfterCheck += e;

    return treeNode;


private void uncheck_treenode(TreeNode treeNode)
    treeNode.Checked = false;
    foreach (TreeNode node in treeNode.Nodes)


private void treeView1_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
    var checkedNode = uncheck_treeview_tree((TreeView) sender, e.Node, treeView1_AfterCheck);
    // further processing ...



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我在审判中肯定会奏效。

       bool manualcheck = false;
      protected override void OnAfterCheck(TreeViewEventArgs e)
                if (manualcheck) return;
                if (e.Node.Checked)
                   if (Nodes.Count>0) UnCheckAll(Nodes[0]);
                   manualcheck = true;
                e.Node.Checked = true;
                manualcheck = false;


        void UnCheckAll(TreeNode node)

                if (node != null)

                    node.Checked = false;
                    foreach (TreeNode item in node.Nodes)
                        manualcheck = true;
                        item.Checked = false;
                        if (item.Nodes.Count > 0) UnCheckAll(item.Nodes[0]);

                    if (node.NextNode != null)

                manualcheck = false;

我也存在同样的问题,但 lo笑一切都给业绩带来昂贵的代价。

Here is my solution without looping trough all Nodes, but using a class property:

public partial class GuiDefault // not my whole class, just an example

TreeNode checkedNode = null;

    private void Tree_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
        TreeNode checkedNodeVar = e.Node;

        if (checkedNodeVar.Checked)

                        if (checkedNode != null)
                            checkedNode.Checked = false; // set "checked" property of the last checked box to false

                        checkedNode = checkedNodeVar; // set the class property "checkedNode" to the currently checked Node
                        checkedNode = null; // if current checked box gets unchecked again, also reset the class property "checkedNode"




// Upon node checked, uncheck all other nodes
private void tvAccountHierarchy_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
        // only do it if the node became checked:
        if (e.Node.Checked)
            Uncheck_Treenodes(e.Node.TreeView.Nodes, e.Node);                

//Recursively iterate through all child nodes and uncheck all except the checkedNode
 private void Uncheck_Treenodes(TreeNodeCollection treeNodes, TreeNode checkedNode)
        // iterate through child nodes & uncheck
        foreach (TreeNode cur_node in treeNodes)
            if (cur_node != checkedNode)
                // ... uncheck them
                cur_node.Checked = false;
            Uncheck_Treenodes(cur_node.Nodes, checkedNode);


页: 1

function client_OnTreeNodeChecked(event)
 var treeNode = event.srcElement || event.target ;
 if (treeNode.tagName == "INPUT" && treeNode.type == "checkbox")

function uncheckOthers(id)
  var elements = document.getElementsByTagName( input );
  // loop through all input elements in form
  for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
    if(elements.item(i).type == "checkbox")

添加客户的代码 OnTreeNode to树园活动的检查功能

private void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
  TreeView1.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "client_OnTreeNodeChecked(event)");

NOTE: Read my post 如果树木在增订版内出现,如何与Ajax UpdatePanel 一道做javascript 工作

This solution which I shamelessly stole allows you to iterate over all nodes at all levels in one go.


    foreach (var node in resultsTree.GetAllNodes())
        if (node != e.Node) node.Checked = false;

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