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原标题:not array reference with perl XML::Simple code
  • 时间:2011-10-05 03:03:47
  •  标签:
  • xml
  • perl

我先是测试<代码>XML:Simple ,其中有一些xml文档产出,并且已经注意到,如果我有超过(1)个档案途径,我的文字将发挥作用(2.xml)。

If I have only (1) file path (1.xml) then I will get this message: Not an ARRAY reference at ./tst-simple.pl line 28

我的问题是,为什么在(1)档案道路上赢得法律工作? 我正在使用Array=>1。 我如何处理这一问题?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<listing time="2011-10-04T02:33:44+0000" recursive="no" path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731" exclude="" filter=".*" version="">
    <directory path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731" modified="2011-10-04T02:32:11+0000" accesstime="1970-01-01T00:00:00+0000" permission="drwx------" owner="unix_act" group="foobar"/>
    <file path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731/myfilename-00" modified="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" accesstime="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" size="123456789" app="3" blocksize="134217728" permission="-rw-------" owner="unix_act" group="foobar"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<listing time="2011-10-04T02:33:44+0000" recursive="no" path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731" exclude="" filter=".*" version="">
    <directory path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731" modified="2011-10-04T02:32:11+0000" accesstime="1970-01-01T00:00:00+0000" permission="drwx------" owner="unix_act" group="foobar"/>
    <file path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731/myfilename-00" modified="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" accesstime="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" size="123456789" app="3" blocksize="134217728" permission="-rw-------" owner="unix_act" group="foobar"/>
    <file path="/storage/foobar/test/queues/20110731/myfilename-01" modified="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" accesstime="2011-10-03T04:47:46+0000" size="123456789" app="3" blocksize="134217728" permission="-rw-------" owner="unix_act" group="foobar"/>


use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

my $xml = $ARGV [0]; 
my $data = XMLin($xml); 

for my $xs ($xml) {
    #my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => 0);
    my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => 1);
    #my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => [ qw ( path ) ]);
    print Dumper ($data);

foreach my $file( @{ $data->{file} } )
    my( $dir, $fname );
    if( $file->{path} =~ /^(.*)/([^/]+)$/ )
        $dir = $1;
        $fname = $2;
        $dir = "";
        $fname = $file->{path};
    print "This is the DIRECTORY: $dir
    print "This is the FILE:      $fname
    print "This is the FILE SIZE: $file->{size}

你们有两个不同的变量,即<代码> 数据。 其中一个是使用<条码>强迫Array => 1创建的,但你使用在没有使用<条码”的情况下创建的代码。 ForceArray => 1。


my $data = XMLin($xml); 

for my $xs ($xml) {
    #my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => 0);
    my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => 1);
    #my $data = XMLin($xs, ForceArray => [ qw ( path ) ]);
    print Dumper ($data);


my $data = XMLin($xml, ForceArray => 1);


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