English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can you avoid clock exploits in Android games?
  • 时间:2011-10-07 11:54:53
  •  标签:
  • android

我需要衡量一段长达数小时的时间。 我承担着这样做的正常方式,例如:

Date date = new Date();
...wait some time...
(new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime())

但是,用户能否改变安乐施会的锁锁,缩短游戏时间? 在线来源的阅读时间是最佳解决办法吗?


<代码>新日期(> 采用System. CurrenttimeMillis(>,该编码取决于OS锁,并在用户变更系统日期和时间时加以改动。


 * Returns the current value of the most precise available system
 * timer, in nanoseconds.
 * <p>This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and is
 * not related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time.
 * The value returned represents nanoseconds since some fixed but
 * arbitrary time (perhaps in the future, so values may be
 * negative).  This method provides nanosecond precision, but not
 * necessarily nanosecond accuracy. No guarantees are made about
 * how frequently values change. Differences in successive calls
 * that span greater than approximately 292 years (2<sup>63</sup>
 * nanoseconds) will not accurately compute elapsed time due to
 * numerical overflow.
 * <p> For example, to measure how long some code takes to execute:
 * <pre>
 *   long startTime = System.nanoTime();
 *   // ... the code being measured ...
 *   long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
 * </pre>
 * @return The current value of the system timer, in nanoseconds.
 * @since 1.5
public static native long nanoTime();

This can not be manipulated by just changing the system date.



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