English 中文(简体)
原标题:Pattern for pulling strings out a string

I m not new to Java, but have not dealt with Regex and Patterns before. What I m looking to do is take a string like

"Class: " + data1 + "
From: " + data2 + " To: " + data3 + "
Occures: " + data4 + " In: " + data5 + " " + data6;

and pull out only data_1 to data_n.
I appreciate any help.


Use this regex:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("Class: (.+?)
From: (.+?) To: (.+?)
Occures: (.+?) In: (.+?) (.+?)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(yourInputString);
if (matcher.find())
     String data1 = matcher.group(1);
     String data2 = matcher.group(2);
     String data3 = matcher.group(3);
     String data4 = matcher.group(4);
     String data5 = matcher.group(5);
     String data6 = matcher.group(6);
} else
    // String didn t match the specified format


.+? will match any character for undefined times, but non-greedy.
(), using brackets will create a group. A group is given an index starting by 1 (since group 0 is the entire match)


而匹配者所做的是,正在寻找整个模式,在投入体中占据一定位置。 但是,既然你指明了这一形式,我们就确切知道,你的整个努力将如何看待。 唯一需要做的是复制格式并替换你希望以“<>tthing<>>>(+?)提取的数据。



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