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原标题:Suppressing PHP undefined variable messages?
  • 时间:2011-10-06 05:58:56
  •  标签:
  • php


Now that I ve uploaded it live I m getting several notices.

Notice: Undefined index: ... on line 14

我已经指出,这种情况之所以发生,是因为Im使用收入指数界定的变量,希望通过和确定。 但是,我需要一个一夜工作的生活版本。

Is it possible to suppress the Notices and have the website act as it does on my localhost while its on my live server?


你们可以选择哪类错误将在网站通过php.ini或通过(htaccess for specific rafters)或以error_ reporting(<><>/code>表示。

http://www.php.net/manual/en/Function.error- reporting.php“rel=“noretinger” www.php.net/manual/en/Function.error- reporting.php。



你们两度错了。 在你的地方招待会和你的生活服务器上!


  • Always show everything on screen, you want to know about notices too before you go live, as you can see now!

Live server

  • Never show anything on screen, it makes you vulnerable (it s deadly)
  • Log everything, also notices! So don t do what the other answers tell you!

查阅文件php.ini,内容类似于error_ reporting = E_STRICT - Edit it tomov the STRICT bit and put in error_ reporting = E_ERROR


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