English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to detect a change in the contents of a HTML element?

我使用的是Ruby on Railways3.1.0jquery-rails gem。 我愿将一次j Query活动(也许我可以使用liveFunction...)约束在“超文本div标签上,以便我能够检查其内容的变化,如果是的话(即如果在“div tag”上添加新的代码的话),则在另一个“超文本”上形成一个“硬码>div。


<div id="div_content_1"></div>

<div id="div_content_2"></div>

I would like to add emove an "Hello!" text message inside the div with id="div_content_2" eachtime the div content with id="div_content_1" changes (in my case, when an HTML input field is added to that div tag - read the example that follows). For example (in the "add" case), when the div with id="div_content_1"changes like this

<div id="div_content_1">
  <!-- The following  input  tag was just added -->
  <input ... />


<div id="div_content_2">

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我怎样做?

P.S.: 我正在执行一种表格,用户在选择某种选择后(该活动旨在产生超文本input。 <代码>div with id=“div_content_1> - 我想为了我的习惯目的,可以在同一页(div with id="div_content_2>)上订购这些选择,是为了使I计划进行的分类过程成为可能。



($.fn.watchChanges = function(cb){
    $(this).each(function(i, e){
        $(e).data("original_content", $(e).html());
        window.content_changes = window.content_changes ? window.content_changes : [];
        window.content_changes.push({"element": e, "callback": cb});
    return $(this);

        $.each(window.content_changes, function(i, e) {
            if($(e.element).data("original_content") != $(e.element).html())
                $(e.element).data("original_content", $(e.element).html())
}, 500);


$( .foo ).watchChanges(function(){
    $( .bar ).html("something s different about you, foo!");


function addInputToDiv(newInput) {


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