English 中文(简体)
关于QAbstract的节点的必要例子 关于QTreeView的项目
原标题:Need example about nodes in QAbstractItemModel for QTreeView?


void ContractorsFilter::onCustomFilterChanged( const QString& text )
          struct MatchFilter
               // data
               QString        filter_;
               Companies&     filtered_recipients_;

               // methods
               MatchFilter( const QString& _filter, Companies& _recipients )
                    : filter_( _filter )
                    , filtered_recipients_( _recipients )

               void operator()( const Companies::value_type& val ) const
                    bool isFound = false;
                    std::vector< ContractorData >::const_iterator con_i( val.second.begin() ), con_e( val.second.end() );
                    for( ; con_i != con_e; ++con_i )
                         const QString contractorName = (*con_i).name;
                         if( contractorName.contains( filter_, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
                              filtered_recipients_[ val.first ].push_back( (*con_i) );
                              isFound = true;

                    const QString companyName = val.first.name;
                    if( companyName.contains( filter_, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
                         filtered_recipients_[ val.first ].push_back( ContractorData() );

          struct FillView
               // data
               QFont     boldFont;
               QBrush    whiteBrush;

               QStandardItemModel* model_;

               // methods
               FillView( QStandardItemModel* model )
                    : model_( model )

               void operator ()( const Companies::value_type& val ) const
                    struct AppendContractors 
                         // data
                         QStandardItem* parent_;

                         // methods
                         AppendContractors( QStandardItem* _parent = 0 )
                              : parent_( _parent )

                         bool isEmpty( const ContractorData& contractor ) const
                              return contractor.id.isEmpty();

                         void operator()( const std::vector< ContractorData >::value_type& contractor ) const
                              if( !isEmpty( contractor ) )
                                   QStandardItem *item = 0;

                                   QList< QStandardItem* > line;
                                   line << ( item = new QStandardItem( QIcon( ACCOUNT_ITEM_ICON ), contractor.name ) );
                                   item->setSizeHint( QSize( 0, 25 ) );

                                   parent_->appendRow( line );

                    QStandardItem *parentItem = model_->invisibleRootItem();

                    // добавляем новую компанию + контрагента
                    QList< QStandardItem* > line;
                    line << ( parentItem = new QStandardItem( QIcon( COMPANY_ITEM_ICON ), val.first.name ) );
                    parentItem->setSizeHint( QSize( 0, 25 ) );

                    model_->appendRow( line );

                    std::for_each( val.second.begin(), val.second.end(), AppendContractors( parentItem ) );

          // удаляем символ(ы), которые не фильтруются
          // формируется новая таблица, которая и будет использоваться моделью для отображения
          std::for_each( data_.begin(), data_.end(),
               MatchFilter( text, filter_data_ ) );

          // вывод отфильтрованных контрагентов
          std::for_each( filter_data_.begin(), filter_data_.end(),
               FillView( model_ ) );

     catch( const std::exception& e )
          Core::errLog( "ContractorsFilter::onCustomFilterChanged", e.what() );

PS: 类别<代码>Companies

typedef std::map< CompanyData, ContractorsData, LessData< CompanyData > > Companies;





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