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h 防止重弹
原标题:prevent hook dll loading

Is there a way to way set process security permissions or some other way to disable Windows from loading global window hook dlls? I don t want to disable SetWindowsHookEx, I just want to disable the hook dll from loading in my process.


您也许能够通过安装自己的 h子,而不是从你的头目中打上<条码>。 要想正确做到这一点,你就希望确保你们的ook将首先被称作.。

所谓“hoo”的命令似乎有文件记载,但很容易通过审判和错误加以检查。 只是安装了来自不同过程的几条hoo子,首先需要看。 最常见的案件

  • The first hook that s installed is the first being called. This is the easy option. Just make sure to install your hook as soon as possible.
  • The first hook called is the only installed last. This one is more tricky. You ll have to make sure at all times that your s is the last hook that was installed. a hackish way to do this is to create a thread that every second or so removes the hook and adds it again.

这种办法远非完美无缺,而且,鉴于该命令没有文件记载,它可能在未来某个时候发生可想象的变化。 也可以完全随意打断职业秩序,在这种情况下,这种解决办法不会使你受益。

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