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Valid XML案在ADT中“未穿透”错误
原标题:Valid XML file gives "failed to parse" error in Android ADT


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   android:drawable="@drawable/calender_h" />
  android:drawable="@drawable/calender_n" />  


Failed to parse file G. 口头发言 esdrawablecalendar_selector.xml



I m not sure it s the same, but Similar issue happened to me when updating to ADT 15, in a library project. this is the google issue that currently still opened: 21046.


  1. Remove the library declaration of the project.
  2. Open the layout causing the error (the one which using the selector) in graphical layout.
  3. Clean the project (Project -> Clean)
  4. Close and reopen eclipse. (the layout should be ok now)
  5. You can set the project as library again.

Hope this helps! (if it s still relevant...)


You XML罚款。 你们是否失踪了。 清理项目一次。 如果你从某处复制,那么在《刑法》中可能有一些看不见的特殊性。

无论如何,看问题窗口。 它应向您提供更多有关错误的细节。

从Eclipse,右边点击Xml文档,选择开放式->XML编辑。 为此选择设计表格。 您可以注意到,在您的<条码>和代号;项目编号和编号; 之后,有个神秘的儿童要素。 右边点击并选择去除。

仅仅花了一个小时或这么多时间试图解决这一问题,这证明是固定的,可能有些无形的特性造成失败。 无论如何,希望能帮助任何有这一问题的人!

  1. Failed to parse XML file for android
  2. check that your drawables exist at the appropriate paths
  3. check for inivisible characters

4. I`ve also ran into the same problem. What I found is that each of the StateListDrawable states (pressed, selected, focused, etc.) actually expects a valid drawable (png, jpg, gif, etc.). So, that means, something like this will cause the parse error problem:

<item android:state_s selected=“true”/>

I also ran into this. The layout xml files and main.xml would not parse. if you chose the graphical view for main.xml you would not get any buttons (in my case). What i found is that Eclipse was set to C++ rather than java. Setting it to the java perspective, closing, then reopening Eclipse fixed the issue.

现在,Eclipse正在做其他奇怪的 st子,如间断连接电话。

我也存在同样的问题,这是由于一个资源图像的名称。 图像由一位设计师传给我,该设计师介绍了一些未被安乐接受的特性,甚至当我重新命名在Eclipse内时,显然还有一些“vil”。 Weird。

就我而言,这些可提取产品(PNG文件)被腐蚀,而将其从Windows机器转移到我确实发展起来的Windows机器。 我表示,试图打开巴布亚新几内亚的档案。 这些PNG档案无法打开,因为它们被腐败。


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