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原标题:How to deploy a JFrame in multiple monitor configuration

I d like to build an app that has 2 windows. The first one should always be in the first monitor, and can t be maximized. The second one should be launched in second monitor (a perfect example is like PowerPoint s presentation mode), is running "on top" of any other applications window, and always maximized. This window is launched using a listener given to the first window. Note that these "monitors" may be LCD projectors used in presentations, or real desktop computer monitors.

我知道有图表环境预报系统,我们知道我们的监测组合是否被当作单一监测器处理,还是单独处理。 但我不知道如何执行。 我指的是,由于屏幕配置可以根据其图形卡区别对待,我们如何验证这些配置?

For example, if there are 3 monitors treated as a single monitor with large resolution, then perhaps we can set a coordinate x0 for second window as : total_width * 2 / 3. But, what if it is treated as seperate monitors..?



@Zecas : Yes, it worked out well. Sorry for not posting the answer here. I totally forgot. So, the solution is exactly as what ShivanDragon has stated, we can get each monitor individually by obtaining our GraphicsEnvironment first, and then get our screen devices from the Environment:

GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();




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