Harp, 几乎在那里。 这正是我通常在D7号文件中确定的。
- Create a role called "Members"
- Create a new vocabulary called "Access"
- Add two terms to the "Access" vocabulary, "Public" and Members Only"
- Add a new field to each content type - Admin > Structure > Content
Types of type term reference. I usually use the checkbox widget but
it is up to you.
- Set the vocabulary to be the "Access" vocabulary you set up in step
- Set the default to be "Public" - this is optional but it means all
pages are publicly accessible unless specifically set to "Members
- Save
- Go to the Manage Display settings for that content type
- Set the Access field to hidden
- save
- Now go to Admin > Configuration > Taxonomy access control
- Go to edit access rules for anonymous users
- Under "New" select members in the dropdown
- Set each option in the row to "D"
- Click Add
- Do steps 12 to 15 for the authenticated user
- Do steps 12 to 15, expect select "A" instead of "D" for the members
现在,在你只为进入现场挑选成员时,匿名和经认证的用户不会看到 no。 任何成员角色的用户都能够看到这个节点。 这还将掩盖针对这一节点的菜单。 http://drupal.org/node/31601"rel=“nofollow” https://drupal.org/node/31601。