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原标题:extract out text from xml and return converted xml data as response in asp classic




product_code = Request.QueryString("product_code")
url = "http://www.the site.com/net/WebService.aspx?Login=name@thehost.com&EncryptedPassword=***********&EDI_Name=GenericProducts&SELECT_Columns=p.ProductCode,p.ProductName,pd.ProductDescriptionShort,pe.ListPrice,pe.ProductPrice,pe.SalePrice&WHERE_Column=p.ProductCode&WHERE_Value=" & product_code
Set xData = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xData.Open "get", url, False
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Response.write (xData.responseText)
Set xData = Nothing


这里是一份称为“APIC”的书本中回归数据的样本。 例如,如果上述网页被称作数据,我用www.thesite.com/getdata.asp?product_code=m406789。 之后将归还下列人员。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <ProductName>M406789 Ignition Box</ProductName>
       <ProductDescriptionShort>&lt;img alt="" src="/v/vspfiles/assets/images/alliance_small.jpg" align="right" /&gt;Ignition Box</ProductDescriptionShort>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ProductName>M406789 Ignition Box</ProductName>
    <ProductDescriptionShort>&lt;img alt="" src="/v/vspfiles/assets/images/alliance_small.jpg" align="right" /&gt;Ignition Box</ProductDescriptionShort>

任何帮助或抽样守则都会受到高度赞赏。 不知道要走什么路。


Could be like this:

product_code = Request.QueryString("product_code")
url = "http://www.the site.com/net/WebService.aspx?Login=name@thehost.com&EncryptedPassword=***********&EDI_Name=GenericProducts&SELECT_Columns=p.ProductCode,p.ProductName,pd.ProductDescriptionShort,pe.ListPrice,pe.ProductPrice,pe.SalePrice&WHERE_Column=p.ProductCode&WHERE_Value=" & product_code
Set xData = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    xData.Open "GET", url, False
Dim xNewDoc
Set xNewDoc = xData.responseXML  ResponseXml returns DOMDocument object
    With xNewDoc
        .RemoveChild .FirstChild
        .InsertBefore .createProcessingInstruction("xml","version= 1.0  encoding= ISO-8859-1 "), .FirstChild
        Set hotspot = .CreateElement("hotspot")
        For Each e In .SelectSingleNode("//Products").ChildNodes
            hotspot.AppendChild e
        Set .DocumentElement = hotspot
        Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
        Response.Write .Xml
    End With
Set xNewDoc = Nothing
Set xData = Nothing

Kul has the answer (well just the code that probably will work) but a lot has been left unsaid that should be said.


 url = "http://www.the site.com/net/WebService.aspx?Login=name@thehost.com&EncryptedPassword=***********&EDI_Name=GenericProducts&SELECT_Columns=p.ProductCode,p.ProductName,pd.ProductDescriptionShort,pe.ListPrice,pe.ProductPrice,pe.SalePrice&WHERE_Column=p.ProductCode&WHERE_Value=" & product_code

Drag the above scroll bar thumb to right to inform the security Manager hamare. 载于《URL》的一部明确的法典! 在我看来,似乎有可能用APIC来注入新的飞跃,我的猜测是,这些争.背后是一种简单的争辩。 如果是的话,应当立即从网站上撤回该《计划》。

在我胸部旁听。 利用服务器XMLHTTP与另一个服务器交谈,XMLHTTP并不安全,不应在ASP代码中使用。

为什么ISO-8859-1? 在UTF-8上任。

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