我不得不在使用清单的普通议会中回答 ha问题。 基本上,一项职能是列出扼杀(姓名),然后将其从Peg A移至Peg C,使用Peg B进行储存,使其与名单上的顺序相同。
I have never used lisp before and I find the syntax very hard to understand. This is my code so far goo function is the hanoi work
(defparameter A ())
(defparameter B ())
(defparameter C ())
(defun findPeg (p1 p2) (cond ((= 0 (- 3 p1 p2))A)
((= 1 (- 3 p1 p2))B) ((= 2 (- 3 p1 p2))C)))
(defun getnum (x) (cond ((equalp x A) 0)((equalp x B)1)((equalp x C) 2)))
(defun hanoi (x) (defparameter A x) (setlength A)(goo len A C B))
(defun setlength(x) (defparameter len (list-length x)))
(defun goo (leng from to via)
(cond ((= leng 1)(push (pop A) C)) ;base case
((goo (1- leng) from via to)(push (pop A) B) ;say/do something i think
((goo (1- leng) via to from)(push (pop B) C) ;say/do something i think
我的问题是充满休止的呼吁。 我对我应该做什么感到非常困惑。 我知道,我显然必须把第一个名单上的头几句移至另一个小标题,但我不知道究竟是怎样操纵名单。 我感到,像我一样,应该利用传入“ go”功能的变量,但我必须说明如何加以编辑,因为当我改变职能时,外部变量不会改变。
* - SYSTEM::%EXPAND-FORM: (GOO (1- LENG) FROM VIA TO) should be a lambda expression
Basically I just want some tips or tricks on where do continue or ever where to restart because I don t even know if my approach is a good one. Anything is greatly appreciated. Thanks