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原标题:How can I change localhost.localdomain in the messages written by Log4j to the Linux syslog

我用Log4j及其SyslogAppender向Lino syslog发送了电文。 输出的信息类似:

Oct 12 09:06:03 localhost.localdomain 3364 [Thread-5] INFO TEST MESSAGE MyApplicationLogger - This is my message

我愿用管理应用程序的服务器名称取代当地主机,但似乎无法说明如何使用。 我的组合文件,如果有用的话:

log4j.logger.MyApplicationLogger=INFO, SyslogAppender
log4j.appender.SyslogAppender.layout.ConversionPattern= %-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
log4j.appender.SyslogAppender.source=My Application


$ hostname

不过,我确实注意到,东道国档案的第一线是:   localhost.localdomain localhost








This is what you need:

log4j.appender.SyslogAppender.header = true

This issue is because your machine doesn t know it s own host name. This can be demonstrated by running the command hostname as a non-privileged user.


$ hostname myServersHostname

rel=“nofollow”>man page

To make this change permanent across reboots you will need to set a configuration file somewhere in /etc (exactly which one depends on your distro).

  • Debian/ubuntu: /etc/hostname
  • Redhat/CentOS/Fedora: /etc/sysconfig/network

If you don t want to hard code the hostname in the log4j properties or XML file, the best solution is a combination of what is suggested by dtyler and yegor256. Make sure your hostname is set correctly, and then use log4j.appender.SyslogAppender.header = true or <param name="Header" value="true"/> in your log4j.xml

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