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原标题:Getting region masks from opencv implementation of selective search algorithm

我正试图提出区域建议,以培训分部分模式。 我看到了开放式中心的实施:


并且这一执行正在将区域提案作为约束箱退回。 但是,根据我对这一算法的理解,它把Felzenszwalb的图表部分用作原始种子,并使用颜色、大小、文字和插图;对集团区域形成类似的指标。

是否有办法获得在开放CV对Felzenszwalb aglorithm的输出进行选择性搜索后产生的隔膜?



In the code, images is a private variable but the masks are stored as points in OpenCV. Therefore in order to retrieve the image masks, I made a few updates in the items being returned in the code.

Here is the code for reference : https://www.kaggle.com/code/vedantj/selective-search/notebook

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