English 中文(简体)
我不理解按原型分类的那部分 j印。
原标题:I don t understand this part of the javascript by prototype

目前,我正在使用原型(js)的面包房,绘制Gogle地图一皮五3。 我有一个叫作:TravelMapprManager的栏目,有4个类别变量,有18个功能。

var TravelMapprManager = Class.create( {

  // id of container
    map_container :   ,

  /* the current map */
    map : null,

  /* geocoding location */
    geocoder : null,

   /* user entered locations */
     user_journey : new Array(),

  //many other functions [.....]

initialize : function( map_container ) {

    this.map_container = map_container;

    // start the map
    Event.observe( window,  load , this.displayMap.bind(this) );

    // observe the map buttons
    Event.observe( document,  dom:loaded , this.initObservers.bind(this) );


    * Save the location entered
findLocation : function() {

    location_name = $(  LocationName  ).value;

    if ( location_name ==    ) {
        alert( "Please enter a location name." );

    // we only allow a maximum number of locations
    if ( this.user_journey.length >= 20 ) {
        alert( "Sorry! We have reached the maximum number of locations." );

    // Do geocoding, find the longitude and latitude of the location
    if ( this.geocoder ) {

        var current_o = this;

            function( point ) {

                if ( !point ) {
                    alert( location_name + " not found" );
                } else {

                    // store the location
                    current_o.storeLocation( location_name, point );

                    // center the location on the map and add push pin marker
                    current_o.map.setCenter( point, 13 );
                    var marker = new GMarker( point );
                    current_o.map.addOverlay( marker );

What does var current_o = this; mean in the function findLocation?


var current_o = this; //<-- Store reference to the `this` keyword inside the func
        function( point ) { //<------------ 

By storing the this keyword in a temporary variable, the inner function can also access properties of the this inside function findLocation.

A simple example. This code adds an event listener to the next input element, while maintaining a reference to the previous element:
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
a[0].onclick = function(){
    var firstElement = this; //First `this`
    a[1].onclick= function(){
        firstElement.onclick = function(){}; //Reset
        this.onclick = function(){alert("This is different!")}; //Second `this`

The this keyword within activitieslecters refer to the content they re subject to. 举例来说,第1条<代码>凡<>t>>系指:input[0],而第2条<代码>内>指input***/code>。 当您不把第1条<代码>即存放在临时变量中时(firstElement/ ),你就不必提及先前的<代码>this(没有通过document.getElements.直接提及第1项内容)。


当地变量的编号为this,以便该物体可在通过getLatLng的匿名功能内使用。 之所以有必要,是因为this可能在该职能范围内有所不同——这取决于它是如何在上要求的。

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