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3. 利用一系列阵列在鲁比拉进行搜索
原标题:Searching through arrays in Ruby using a range

i ve seen a lot of other questions touch on the subject but nothing as on topic as to provide an answer for my particular problem. Is there a way to search an array and return values within a given range... for clarity I have one array = [0,5,12] I would like to compare array to another array (array2) using a range of numbers. Using array[0] as a starting point how would I return all values from array2 +/- 4 of array[0].




构建一个范围,即你的具体目标±4,然后使用https://ruby-doc.org/core/Evidable.html#method-i-select” rel=“nofollow noretinger”> 无数可读的#select<>/code http://ruby-doc.org/french/Range.html


a = (1..100).to_a
r = 11-4 .. 11+4
a.select { |i| r.include?(i) }
# [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]


a & (c-w .. c+w).to_a

Where c is the center of your interval and w is the interval s width. Using Array#& treats the arrays as sets so it will remove duplicates and is not guaranteed to preserver order.



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