English 中文(简体)
原标题:Transitive nature of equals method
  • 时间:2011-10-08 13:45:27
  •  标签:
  • java

<代码>等于(object)方法的合同具体规定了以下4种特性:重修、校对、中转和一致性。 虽然我理解不服从依赖性、不对称性和一致性的危险,而且能够肯定地同意其服从于过境的好处,但我还是想知道,如果它侵犯过境财产,会带来什么损害?

具体来说, Java图书馆(或各种第三方图书馆)中哪些需要依赖<条码>平等才能进行正确工作? 我的理解是,如果其他3种财产得到妥善执行,则收集框架将发挥作用。



a == a, b == b, c == c (reflexive)
a == b, b == a
b == c, c == b
a != c, c != a

(Pseudocode,x = y <>code>x.qualitys(y)


Set s = new HashSet(); // Set implementation doesn t matter
s.add(b); // s = [b]
s.add(a); // s doesn t change, because a == b
s.add(c); // s doesn t change, because c == b


Set s = new HashSet();
s.add(a); // s = [a]
s.add(b); // s doesn t change, because b == a
s.add(c); // s = [a,c], because c != a

That is clearly counter-intuitive and doesn t match the behavior one would expect of a set. For example, it would mean that the union of two sets (i.e. the state of s after s.addAll(someOtherSet)) could depend on the implementation (order of elements) of someOtherSet.


考虑目标a=b=c, != c(非过境平等)

第一个问题是 has码(hcode)合同,要求 has形码在物体平等时平等。 并且,你将能够在同一组别中增加一个和c项——这可能导致在意外地点出现微妙的问题。

Integer a = new Integer(1);
Integer b = new Integer(1);

a = 1 是真实的,b = 1 是真实的,但a = b不是真实的。

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