I have a table called comments,
with the columns: id
, title
, comment
, reply_to,create_date
. Its a PostgreSQL DB, version 8.3.
The column reply_to
references the comment that is being is replied to.
I want to get comments with all their replies.
Id / title / comment / reply_to / create_date / reply_id / reply_title / reply_comment / reply_reply_to / reply_create_date
7 / hello / this is john / 6 / 2011-1-2 / 8 / Re:hello / Hello John! / 7 / 2011-1-4
7 / hello / this is john / 6 / 2011-1-2 / 9 / Re:hello / John, welcome! / 7 / 2011-1-2
7 / hello / this is john / 6 / 2011-1-2 / 10 / Re:hello / Nice to meet you, John / 7 / 2011-1-1
The comment with id 7 has been replied to by the comments with id 8, 9 and 10. To get that, I used this query:
Select comments.id,comments.title
,B.id as reply_id
,B.title as reply_title
,B.comment as reply_comment
,B.reply to as reply_reply_to
,B. create_date as reply_create_date
from comments
left join (select * from comments) B ON comments.id=B.reply_to
order by create_date, reply_create_date DESC
That works fine, but now I would like to get only the last two replies for every comment, so the result should be:
7 / hello / this is john / 6 / 2011-1-2 / 8 / Re:hello / Hello John! / 7 / 2011-1-4
7 / hello / this is john / 6 / 2011-1-2 / 9 / Re:hello / John, welcome! / 7 / 2011-1-2
我在问询中使用<条码>限制/代码>和<条码>offset,但如果我将其放在问询的最后部分,则只听取所有意见中的2份。 如果我把他们放在问答中,则只收到2份答复。