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原标题:after-effects jsx RenderQueue progress

I ve been searching for documentation on AfterEffect s RenderQueue for a few days now. I need to calculate the completed percentage of the queue.

在审查文件3的描述指南(我知道的最后一份已印发的文件)时,我发现我可以确定在座标上的项目数目,我可以利用各个项目的状况来看它们是否重新完成。 这一工作正在进行,但我确实想展示出更多的微小进展,因为直到整个进展完成之后,进展才得到更新。 也就是说,几分钟只有0%,33.3%,然后是66.6%,然后是100%......

I was expecting to find a field or two on the RenderQueueItem that would tell me what s left to render, but there doesn t appear to be anything documented.

Has anyone tried this, am I up a creek, or just missing something?

Many Thanks!



Unfortunately it seems that After Effects will not allow you to run scripts concurrent to rendering, so you can t interactively work in parallel to the render process.

What you can do, depending on your needs, is to set the item in the render queue to write its progress to a log file:

app.project.renderQueue.item(1).logType = LogType.ERRORS_AND_PER_FRAME_INFO;

Assuming your project name is "project.aep", a directory called "project.aep Logs" will be created in the project s directory. Inside you will find a rolling log file.

You could analyze this log externally to After Effects to understand what is the progress.

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