English 中文(简体)
原标题:Finding point n% away from the centre of a semicircle in Javascript?

我很抱歉说,Math实际上是我的强权。 通常,我可以坐下来,但我完全 st。

I m试图用超文本/CSS/Javascript进行静态结果筛选。



I need to plot these points on the semicircle to be n% away from the centre, where n is the value of each score - the higher the score, the closer to the centre of the target the point will appear.


我可以总结一下我的头脑,把这些要点划在一条线上,从目标的核心点(x = 0, y = 目标高度)到随机的角点(即点点不会重叠)。



你们是否想这样做? 如你想把圈子分成<条码>。 因此,你可能拥有这样的东西:

Edit: 法典正在对原产地进行轮值,而不是特定圈子。

var scores = [];
//assume scores is an array of distances from the center of the circle
var points = [];
var interval = 2 * Math.PI / N;
var angle;
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    angle = interval * i;
    //assume (cx, cy) are the coordinates of the center of your circle
        x: scores[i] * Math.cos(angle) + cx,
        y: scores[i] * Math.sin(angle) + cy

然后,你可以制定<条码>点<>。 但你认为合适。


After much headscratching, I managed to arrive at this solution (with the help of a colleague who s much, much better at this kind of thing than me):


for (var i = 0; i < arr_result.length; i++){

     var angle = angleArray[i]; // this is an array of angles (randomised) - points around the edge of the semicircle

     var radius = 150; // width of the semicircle

     var deadZone = 25 // to make matters complicated, the circle has a  dead zone  in the centre which we want to discount
     var maxScore = 100
     var score = parseInt(arr_result[i][ score ], 10)

     var alpha = angle * Math.PI
     var distance = (maxScore-score)/maxScore*(radius-deadZone) + deadZone
     var x = distance * Math.sin(alpha)
     var y = radius + distance * Math.cos(alpha)

     $( #marker_  + arr_result[i][ id ], templateCode).css({ // target a specific marker and move it using jQuery
          left  : pointX,
          top : pointY

I ve omitted the code for generating the array of angles and randomising that array - that s only needed for presentational purposes so the markers don t overlap.


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