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Jquery 脚印在我改动时停止工作,然后重载要选取的原始内容
原标题:Jquery script stops working when I change, then reload original elements to be selected

有几个问题,标题是.html()。 下面是一部法典,将“电子邮件地址”的文字箱输入值改为“如果它们没有输入任何内容,则将“电子邮件地址”重新贴在模版上。

I m using jquery .html(> with .post( to phpmailer to Update the contained div with "Sending. >. “成功发送”等。

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
          if ($(this).val() ==  Enter email address ) {
               $(this).val(  );
          if (!$.trim($(this).val())) {
               $(this).val( Enter email address );

Here s the code that POSTS to phpmailer. On success the response is true . However, when it fails, it uses dotimeout.js to delay 3 seconds and then uses jquery .html to put the original form back in place. When it does this, the above code doesn t work anymore. At the bottom is my original html.

<script src="lib/dotimeout.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
     $( #emailbutton ).click(function(e) {
          var email = $( #emailaddressinput ).val();
          //write  sending...  or something
          $( #emailinputcontainer ).html( Sending, please wait. );
          var generated_coupon_id =  2 ;
          var dataString =  email=  + email +  &generated_coupon_id=  + generated_coupon_id;
          $.post( send.php , dataString, function(data){
               //do stuff
               if(data== true ){
                    //say "message sent!"
                    $( #emailinputcontainer ).html( Your coupon has been emailed! );
               } else {
                    //say error
                    $( #emailinputcontainer ).html( There was an error. Please try again. );
                    $.doTimeout(3000,function() {
                         $( #emailinputcontainer ).html( <input id="emailaddressinput" type="text" value="Enter email address" /><a id="emailbutton" href="#" style="margin: 0 !important;"><span class="buttontext" >Email coupon</span></a> );

The original html of the form:

<div id="emailinputcontainer">
    <input id="emailaddressinput" type="text" value="Enter email address" /><a id="emailbutton" href="#" style="margin: 0 !important;"><span class="buttontext" >Email coupon</span></a>




您所期待的是.live()。 当你打电话(“#emailaddressinput”)时,马克列斯公司发现在OMS的零号邮件地址,并将这一功能与这一要素联系起来。 当你用 j子取代html时,它不再是相同的因素,而是看上去的新内容。 .live()继续看到OMD进行变革,并随着新内容的产生而对其具有约束力。




你可以打破 Java的文字:

function bindEmailEvents() {
          if ($(this).val() ==  Enter email address ) {
               $(this).val(  );
          if (!$.trim($(this).val())) {
               $(this).val( Enter email address );

Then you would call bindEmailEvents on $(document).ready, and after $( #emailinputcontainer ).html(...) is used.

On a side note, depending on your target audience you could take advantage of HTML5 placeholder text to serve a similar function and remove the JavaScript code:

<input placeholder="Enter email address" ...>


<div id="emailmessagecontainer" style="display:hidden"></div>
<div id="emailinputcontainer"></div>





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