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Java and Injecting Defenive Cplica
原标题:Java and Injecting Defensive Copies

因此,我开始真正像以下概念一样:defensive texts,以便使其代码更加“安全”,但不幸的是,这些概念似乎与《禁止杀伤人员地雷公约》所处理的关切的混淆存在内在冲突。


public void doSomething(final int p_iAge, final Widget p_oWidget)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
    if(p_oWidget == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // ...

现在,我利用阿帕奇·巴尼·瓦莱德来验证我的方法,而通过阿普特组织推翻我的任何例外。 这使我的代码变得清醒,把我的商业逻辑(我真心想!)与磨擦分开,流产验证检查,破例扔 throw等等。


@NotNull(message="Widget cannot be null.")
public void doSomething(final int p_iAge, final Widget p_oWidget)
    Widget oWidget = new Widget(p_oWidget);

    // ...


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 使用AOP/IoC(任何框架! ——我绝望!)撰写建议/点,将人工写作防御拷贝的任务分开,并把它们带回当地(方法)物体? 这样,我就可以获得防御性副本的安全利益,并具备AOP/IoC的所有清洁设施。

我认为,我必须撰写建议书,以拦截所有方法,并在某种程度上使用依赖注射来造成这种方法参数的集合/管理情况;这些情况将是防御性的副本。 然后,在我的目标群体中,我可以利用IoC获得这些防御拷贝(豆类)。


@NotNull(message="Widget cannot be null.")
public void doSomething(final int p_iAge, final Widget p_oWidget)
    // By the time we get here, bean validation has already made sure
    // that p_oWidget isn t null, and the AOP method interceptor has already
    // executed and created the "defensive-widget" bean.
    Widget oWidget = springOrWhateverInjector.getBean("defensive-widget");

    // ...

Now, oWidget is a defensive copy of p_oWidget, and I don t have to manually write it. Huge time savings, and my OCD with AOP is satisfied!


I also have an enormous amount of respect for the SO community and would like some general input here - comment/recommendations/etc. Thanks in advance!


AspectJ s around advice lets you supply your own parameters to the intercepted method when using ProceedingJoinPoint#proceed(Object[]).

In the advice, you could check if a given parameter is copyable – in your case, using reflection to find a declared constructor that takes a single parameter of the type of the object, or however else you choose to mark objects that you want to make defensive copies of – and then proceed with the method using the copies instead of the original parameters.



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