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主动性 Admin gem
原标题:Error "different prefix:" with Active_Admin gem


rails generate active_admin:install
rake db:migrate



ArgumentError in Active_admin/devise/sessions#new

Showing D:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activeadmin-0.3.2/app/views/layouts/active_admin_logged_out.html.erb where line #9 raised:

different prefix: "D:/" and "C:/project/app/assets/stylesheets"
  (in C:/project/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.css.scss)
Extracted source (around line #9):

6:   <title><%= [@page_title, active_admin_application.site_title].compact.join(" | ") %></title>
8:   <% ActiveAdmin.application.stylesheets.each do |path| %>
9:     <%= stylesheet_link_tag path %>
10:   <% end %>
11:   <% ActiveAdmin.application.javascripts.each do |path| %>
12:     <%= javascript_include_tag path %>
Rails.root: C:/project

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见http://github.com/rails/issues/660"rel=“noreferer”http://github.com/rails/issues/660。 这种办法似乎有同样的错误,但我不理解需要做些什么才能消除错误。



The easiest way (for me at least) to work around this issue is to bundle your project gems into the project folder itself. From inside your project folder:


This installs your project s requested gems into the .bundle folder inside the project. Subsequent calls to bundle exec will remember to use this cache of gems and should mitigate against the error above.

仅将/assets/ets/* 移至您的项目/lib/assets/ ets

没有必要重新命名任何档案或依赖,因为这条道路是在任何 path路之前。

您可以通过发射铁路线(rails c)来检查您的资产路径,并落实如下:y Railways.application.config.assets.paths


1) Copy the folder with stylesheets from active admin gem folder to your app s assetes, i have it here: c:RailsInstallerRuby1.9.2lib ubygems1.9.1gemsactiveadmin-0.3.2appassetsstylesheetsactive_admin

2) 将资产中的这种组合重新命名为“米_active_admin”(青年可以放弃“活性——行政”——这赢得了笔工作)。

3) 将“主动行政”改为“米_active_admin”。

并且确实忘记去除/固定在应用中要求树。 c 如果你使用。

Voila! 1. 更新行政网页而不担心=

Though I don t like such solutions much in terms of need for excessive hacks... BUT now you can freely customize look and feel of the active admin, and it turns to be not the hack for the bug, but for the feature =)

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