English 中文(简体)
原标题:Complex HTML forms
  • 时间:2011-10-11 17:05:23
  •  标签:
  • html
  • forms

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 这个问题不像长期一样艰巨,因为我uck忙地解释问题,主持人在缩短这个问题的篇幅或改进标题方面的任何帮助(尽管它保持其含义)都会受到赞赏。

I m designing a general application that could handle complex forms, but to do that, I need to decide how to handle the forms themselves... so let s forget about the server back-end for a while. I ve done research about this for a while now, but can t seem to find anything that isn t outdated or irrelevant.

举例来说,我最容易解释这一点,因此,请举一个假设的“Businessman”为例“Clients Database”:

A self employed businessman decided to keep a record for each one of his clients, where he could store all their name, phone numbers, emails, country, city and date of birth. To do this, he uses a web-application that he can open on his mobile phone or at home on his old office computer. But sadly, this businessman is also paranoid, and switched off all JavaScript on his computer.


这一形式的困难方面是支持多部电话和电子邮件,以及“国家”在无 Java本的情况下选择城市。



<h2>General info</h2>
...name, surname, gender, age selection...
<h2>Country and city</h2>
<p><label>Select country: </label><select name="country">
<option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option> 
<option value="United States">United States</option> 
<option value="France">France</option> 
<option value="Germany">Germany</option> 
<option value="Spain">Spain</option> 
<option value="Italy">Italy</option> 
<option value="Canada">Canada</option></select>
<input type="button" name="select[country]" value="Select Country" /></p>
<p>Select city: <select disabled="disabled"><option value="">No city selected<option></select> (you must first select a country)</p>

The user clicks the "Select Country" button, and the form will display all his entered data and a "cities" select field based on his chosen country (as long as the form validates the data it outputs, and uses a unique token for the form, it should be secure) It would also show the countries select field as disabled with his chosen country as the selected value, and a button to clear his selection, we do this to prevent the user from selecting the country, for example "United States" and then the city "New York", and later changing his choice in country and to prevent him from submitting a form with the values country="Uruguay" and city="New York".

另一种做法是,只显示一个称为“选举国/城市”的纽芬兰语,在点击导致国家选择表时,这反过来又导致城市选择表,在提交申请时,用户返回到他开始的表格中。 但我认为上述解决办法较好。


Then after selecting the country and city, the user of the form has to add at least one phone number to the yet to be stored "client". (emails would be handled the same way) This part, I haven t managed to do and would like some help with. All that I have so far is this:

...name, surname, gender, age selection...
...country/city selection...
<p><input name="add[phone]" type="button" value="Add phone number" /></p>


...name, surname, gender, age selection...
...country/city selection...
<p><input name="add[phone]" type="button" value="Add phone number" /></p>
List of phones that will be added when the client is saved:<br/>
<li>987654321<input name="phone[0]" type="hidden" value="987654321" /><button name="remove[phone][0]" value="Remove" /></li>
<li>987654322<input name="phone[1]" type="hidden" value="987654322" /><button name="remove[phone][1]" value="Remove" /></li>


Give sample HTML if the answer could be understood in multiple ways.

P.S. It doesn t have to be a “clients database” form, only that it should support chained selecteds and Plus multitable " Values”(如电话和电子邮件, in this case)。

Edit: Now that I think of it, the phones should be editable, so it should look like this instead:

...name, surname, gender, age selection...
...country/city selection...
<p><input name="add[phone]" type="button" value="Add phone number" /></p>
List of phones that will be added when the client is saved:<br/>
<li><input name="phone[0]" type="text" value="987654321" /><button name="remove[phone][0]" value="Remove" /></li>
<li><input name="phone[1]" type="text" value="987654322" /><button name="remove[phone][1]" value="Remove" /></li>


or maybe I could skip that entirely and just show the same page but with an empty phone number added... or edit all the fields on a different page? issues also arise if you add and edit with this form.



如果你能够使用javascript,你肯定必须使用多页处理不同领域之间的依赖性。 多数框架称之为屏幕流。

If you know which devices / browsers are used, you could try to replace the multiple pages with framesets... the target of the country select would be a initially empty frameset which will display all cities as soon as it gets the country from the first select... (do you feel what I am thinking of? :-)

but framesets are ugly and cause a lot of problems.


Update: if the problem is how to handle multiple users working on the forms...:

  • a session is useful to identify the user and keep track of the state of already filled out form elements
  • even better (more robust) is to keep the information you need (from already filled out elements and other meta data) in <input type= hidden > fields. This way, you don t have to keep a session - the form will always submit all data to the server. But make sure that you validate all fields again in the last step - the user might have modified the request.

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