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Xpath expression to access parent or sibling using Rainbow:TreeBuilder:XPath model
原标题:Xpath expression to access parent or sibling using HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath module

我想用超文本选择母子或母子:TreeBuilder:XPath Perl模块, 让我们抽取如下的超文本:

        <td class="c1">Match_Text</td>
        <td class="c2">Extact_Text</td>
        <td class="c1"></td>
        <td class="c2"></td>

因此,我要为我作如下文 to:


which is a valid expression for my use case.


axis axis_parent not implemented [Can t locate object method "getParentNode" via package "XML::XPathEngine::Literal" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/XML/XPathEngine/Step.pm line 326. ]

任何人都可以提出一种可供本人使用的替代Xpath表述(接触母子/ no子)。 请注意,我只想用Xpath的表述来这样做,并有意制造一种多功能,并明确tra树。


The error message is misleading. The problem isn t lack of support, it s that you re trying to find the parent of the boolean returned by the comparison. It doesn t have one.


//*[ td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"] ]/td[@class="c2"]

//td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"]/following-sibling::*

//td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"]/following-sibling::td[@class="c2"]

//td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"]/../td[@class="c2"]

我没有看到像以前那样的任何工作表现。 实际上,我认为,这一错误是由于这一表述没有很好地组成和划一。

Anyway, here are two alternatives for your goal – though not tested with the specified Perl module:

//td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"]/../td[@class="c2"]
//td[@class="c2" and ../td[@class="c1" and text()="Match_Text"]]


I want to select parent or sibling of a node using HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath Perl module.


 (/*/body//*[td[@class="c1"and . =  Match_Text ]])[1]
  (/*/body//*[td[@class="c1"and . =  Match_Text ]])[1]
               /td[[@class="c1"and not(. =  Match_Text )]


结果是选择了两条 no子的结合。

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