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在Joomla 1.7 com_content
原标题:Add new image field to Joomla 1.7 com_content

I m trying to make some changes to com_content component of Joomla 1.7 There are not many docs on specific topic for Joomla 1.7

Maybe you could help me out on this one.




I just used simple code echo $this->item->addimage; but unfortunately it s not displayed.

Any ideas how to achieve that?


我已经注意到,在Joomla 1.7,部分发展结构、非行登记等等也发生了改变。 任何有益联系,凡事都得到很好的解释?


好。 如果你确信你执行你所做的工作是行之有效的。 页: 1 在数据库中储存了来自您所补充的外地的受照图像或单纯的URL链接,可以查阅网页:/components/com_content/views/featured/tmpl/default_item.php


<img src="<?php echo $this->item->addimage; ?>" />


<img src="image/png;base64,<?php echo $this->item->addimage; ?>" />

如果您将图像储存为REW基64 编码数据

Edit: This should solve your problem if you add your articles from frontend (if backend, just let me know)

  1. Firstly create a new column in jos_content table like:

addimage varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL


  1. ./com_content/views/featured/tmpl/default_image.php [LINE: 29]


    30:#<?php endif;?>

    32: <?php if(!empty($this->item->addimage)): ?>

    33:<img src='<?php re$this->item->addimage; ?>” alt=“ADDIMAGE”/>

    34: <?php endif; ?>

    36: #<?php if ($params->get( show_print_icon ) || $params->get( show_email_icon ) || $canEdit) : ?>

  2. ./com_content/models/articles.php [LINE: 160]

    160:#$this->getState (

    页: 1 选编

    162: a.id, a.title, a.alias, a. entitled_alias, a.introtext, a.addimage,

    163:# a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time,

  3. .com_content/models/forms/article.xml [ADD SOMEWHERE]

    <field id="addimage" name="addimage" type="text" label="Add Image" class="inputbox" />

  4. ./com_content/views/form/tmpl/edit.php [LINE: 82]

    82:#<?php re$this->form->getInput(创设_by_alias );?>


    85:<div category=“formelm”>

    86:<?php re$this->form->getLabel(添加image );?>

    87:<?php re$this->form->getInput( Addimage );?>


    90:#<?php if (this->item->params->get(access-change ): ?>

com_content is really not the way for creating variable content in joomla anymore. It s still the same unflexible code since mambo days. You should try solutions like K2, flexicontent or my favourite ZOO. They are easy to learn and you can do lots of cool stuff with them. Extra Fields? No Proble., Some of them already exist for Joomla 1.7/2.5. Hacking the core is always bad. Mainly because you loose your update path.

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